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Everything posted by Vorki

  1. Thanks god nothing about botting
  2. Vorki

    Explv's Walker

    @Steven Jay i also wondering if its bannable
  3. Remember guys be nice to other ppl. Like an author said
  4. Or you can also take card from your parents! +2 member accounts ! (i hope)
  5. Yes and if some1 is interested in farming zulrah im ready to make accountS for him. Feel free to pm me
  6. Thanks for answers ! Maybe guys you got any experience how this accounts selling off?
  7. Guys what you think what will be the cost of READY hand done accounts: Zulrah : 80 Magic 80 Range 70 Defence 52 Prayer 51 Agility God Cape 1 Regicide and Animal Magnetism quest line DONE Also Horror from the deep NMZ: 70 Attack 70 Strenght 70 Defence Quests: Vampire Slayer, Tree Gnome Village, Fight Arena, Lost City, Mountain Daughter Also ready Rock cake Waiting for your opinions
  8. Haha nice, way to get real things? Go bot runescape ?
  9. Vorki


    @Malcolm best advice ever
  10. I wish you will find person like you dedicated. If i only know scripting... Maybe i should go school 1b day is like 1month work in my country...
  11. Nice progress hope you will survive till 99
  12. How much gp you sold for that bro ?
  13. Vorki

    PC of main acc

    Thanks for answer guys
  14. I can start doing it right now, we can talk more in Discord Vorki#7411
  15. Guys how much it can be worth?
  16. Do you agree with the Requirments (included paying a deposit): Yes What tasks are you willing to do: Skiller/Quester (pref skiller) What is your discord: Vorki#7411 How long a day you can be online to do services: 4-12h/day Have you done other services before: Yes
  17. Vorki

    Zulrah Accounts

    If still need Discord : Vorki#7411
  18. Build 1 14M + bond + 2m for supplies. Im new at forum and collecting feedbacks. Can start right now 2 acc and finish in max 2 days. Discord : Vorki#7411
  19. Vorki


    If you still looking for fast service Vorki#7411 Can start right now.
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