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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by amDeep

  1. Highly recommended!
  2. Top of the page under 'Store' and 'Manage Purchases'.
  3. Yes. However, i'm not sure if that actually works or not.
  4. I always create my accounts from a separate IP but make sure it's located within the same country is all, haven't had any issues yet, might just be luck though.
  5. Confirming emails in my experience does nothing but make accounts harder to sell.
  6. Service: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - Fully Functional Accessible Game! I will be providing you full access/download to this game for free just contact me through my Discord below! ToS: You will not share this method with anyone else. You will leave a vouch. Discord: Deep#8213 Tips appreciated!
  7. Not 99's but close and currently working towards 94 mage (3 days eta). But would be willing to sell as is. Account is 3+ years old and i'm OO. Discord: Deep#8213
  8. Your mums so fat she's got enough chins for 99 range.
  9. I only bot on my home IP xD switching to proxies soon however so my main(s) don't get caught up in chains.
  10. Sweet account! Unsure of price tho.
  11. Mistake #1: Buying membership directly from Jagex.
  12. Proxies are cheap i'd run 2-3 accounts per proxy to avoid chain ban like Zoo said. Better yet, just buy VIP it's only $9.99 and you get access to mirror mode dramatically dropping your % of ban. If you need any help getting any bots going and figuring out everything add my Discord i'll get you straight for a little $. Discord: Deep#8213
  13. IF you're botting on stealth inject, good luck getting anywhere near 15+ hour bot times without getting banned. Generally speaking 1-5 accounts per proxy/iP. If you actually plan on keeping the accounts i'd bot with mirror mode (requires vip). Or cut your bot time down to 4-6 hours a day. Not a session, a day.
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