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    Seers' Village
  • Interests
    Programming, I.T. , Linux, Runescape (of course)

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  1. Sorry I'm not sure on the restarting client part (I should have tried that for sure lol) . Finished the quest up by hand already and can't test it again soon.
  2. Hey I noticed an issue: When you select the Edgeville furnace even with zoom level reset the bot will walk to furnace with minimap, then mis-click the furnace and run behind it or sometimes attempt to run behind it and then run back and use the furnace each time. This seems like it would draw un-wanted attention, but doesn't seem to be a bug or anything just wanted to mention it to see if it was able to be fixed to decrease bans. Seemed to be a combination of zoom level, and VM resources being allocated on my part causing it to lag a bit and mis-click. Got it fixed now Love your scripts keep up the great work!
  3. 1. Stealth Injection: 2. https://pastebin.com/VLtZNGaa 3. Description: Lost City Quest - Bot just stuck with bank window open. It appears to be attempting to walk somewhere, but just sits there with bank window up. This happens after starting the quest before going to Entrana for the fight. (Also seems strange that to start the script you need to have a staff on with the spell selected; however a staff is considered a weapon and wouldn't be allowed on Entrana I'm not sure if the staff would be banked later and that was just required for start up or not since it never made it that far.)
  4. 1. Stealth Injection: 2. https://pastebin.com/gmsnBfT6 3. Description: Priest In Peril quest script stuck after killing the dog. Appears to not be able to locate a tile to walk to.
  5. OSRS Script Factory Pro Edition Perfect Fighter Khal Wintertodt Perfect Runecrafting Khal AIO Agility Thanks to everyone for doing this. Merry Christmas!
  6. I've wondered this as well, but never got around to asking. Thx for asking the question for me XD.
  7. Hello everyone, I've been lurking a while creepin' on 'dem posts, and finally decided to join the fun. I have a background in IT, and wanted to take part in the community to have some fun, and learn more about Java and programming as a whole. If this turns out to be something I enjoy, making a little cash on the side wouldn't hurt either ?
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