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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Deffiliate

  1. OMG Clean up your desktop b4 I RAT you and do it myself.
  2. Let's have a bit of faith, I don't need to be de-moralized anymore than i already am. Web- walking really isn't that complex, and there's tons of info available for it on the web. Literally the only thing the devs need to create is a system for gathering and updating the map data. I've got faith that they can complete at LEAST this tool. I was thinking about the task scheduler earlier today, and i don't think it should depend on the web0walker at all. Instead, they should add 2 new boolean methods to the Script class: prepare() and finish(). In the finish() method you should return to a bank and deposit all your items then return true when this condition (And any other conditions specific to the script) are satisfied, and in the prepare() method you would withdraw any necessary items and get to the start location for the script. So for example, your time runs out for killing druids, so you return to a bank and deposit all lootations (Maybe even equipment too), next up you pick flax. The prepare method will run and withdraw a cammy tab then run to cammy bank before activating the onStart() of the script.
  3. It's a very good question. May be an important piece of info. we can use to solve this puzzle. One thought I had i nthe past is that they ARE able to detect our client, but don't feel that it's enough evidence for a ban. So after they've detected you're on a client they collect data on you and wait until they have a confirmed match.
  4. Ents in the wild ;D Duel arena - Magics Gnome city - Yews nd magics
  5. Glad we can still laff with such a grim outlook ;P Everyone likes to say that about Jagex, but IMO they're banning bots with no prejudice, and as much as they possibly can. Sure, bots pay members, but they also kill the game. I believe Jagex's logic on bots is as follows: Bots kill economy, and ruin the game for legit players. Legit players leave. Once all the legit players are gone, GP prices plummet, inflation occurs, and you being to have nothing but a bot-fest. At this point, even the gold-farmers will leave since there's nobody to buy their gold. Point being: Jagex knows bots are bad for the game, and aren't going to let anything stop them (Even potential $ from membership). I think this past year has been a testament to Jagex's determination to wipe bots off the map.
  6. ;) = really happy * really horny...
  7. Thanks bro And I know dude, you made the transition to the dark side long ago. I cried for your life when you hit 99 def legit xD. You should start up an asian sweat-shop for RS.
  8. Yes! This i indeed possible and I know which pictures you're speaking of. That being said, a few factors lead me to beleive that Jagex isn't detecting us solely based on which client we're using: 1) If Jagex could do this NOBODY would slip by un-detected, and the ban-rates would be the same anywhere you go (Nearly instant) 2) Over the past year+ Jagex has slowly improved upon their detection system. If they were doing this by simply detecting our client then the bans would have came in like a wrecking ball!
  9. Thanks for being the first staff to show up in the thread Main post has been updated Also, our members are already getting banned by the masses, i'm just asking that they submit some info so that their deaths are not in vein. If we want to beat this thing we really need to cover all our bases and experiment with as many theories as possible.
  10. I never said I had all the answers. That's why i created this thread to ask for more people to get involved. Also, the statements I've made are valid theories. I never said they use separate software. They could either be running the pattern recognition in the client itself, or in a separate program which analyzes data gathered from when you play the game. Furthermore, I agree we can't know for %100, which is why we need as many people as possible testing out various theories and ideas.
  11. No they don't, bot makers have been using different pathing algorithms for a long time, and we definitely don't move in a straight line. That said, OSBot could use a better mouse algo.
  12. That wasn't my first rodeo. By this time i'd already realized renewal fees are the way to go. With King of the dragons I've gotten over 500+ sales, all lifetime. You don't see me begging for these people to pay renewals. Instead I wish they could just keep their life-time and continue to enjoy the script that they paid for.
  13. Just so you all know, not all scripters are on the money-hungry side. I for one had no qualm with transferring OSB1 lifetime scripts to OSB2 while keeping the life-time license. I for one feel like the system they've put into effect is only to satisfy those making profit from the deal. If I want ot make some more money, i'lll write another bad-ass script. Simple as that.
  14. I've seen so many "FreeManden" accounts on my journey through RS. I think the gods have finally listened ^.^
  15. Members already waste accounts by being banned. I'm sure if we had a reason for them to help, they'd gladly send us the info we need. Don't under-estimate our members... "Randomness" is too vague of a term to be of any help. There have been articles written in thew past that talk about catchign bots (on another game) by recognizing patterns in the paths the bots walked. This is one possible detection factor, and will be greatly remedied when Web-Walking comes out.
  16. Well then, you'd be in the minority. So good for you. Go ahead and make a poll if you want to see how badly Jagex is whooping our ass. And that won't even include the people that have already left OSBot because they can't stand being banned any longer. If you want to continue living in denial go ahead. Correct! So this would be our first question. How can we beat a system that we know barely anything about. There are theories on how they catch us, but until we test those theories we'll never know. I've posted many suggestions in the past. 1 sec lemme find the link to the last topic i made asking for ideas and posting mine.... Damn good suggestion. I've thought of it countless times ;P
  17. I never said that. It's very easy to bot , and it's also very easy to get banned. Please, don't even TRY to act like jagex isn't ass-fucking us right now. They ban us by the masses. I know plenty of gold-farmers that can lo longer profit from botting (And these are the smart ones, that have botted since the beginning and know how to bot smart). I also know plenty of people that only bot their mains a few hours a day max, and even they are being banned.
  18. So I just got OSD, it's something i've been excited for and one of my main goals since joining OSBot. I thought this day would be amazing and glorious, but there's something wrong. Everyday I get on the forums to see my fellow botters falling left and right, getting Pwned by Jagex. Jagex has been fucking us up for over a year, but we've finally hit a point where botting is just no longer viable. I fear we've come to the end of the road. I've lost all hope </3 I think our community needs to step up and answer these questions: When will botters fight back? What is our retaliation plan? - Who will lead us into the next era of botting? Until then OSBot 2 and everything else we're doing here is pointless. If we're going to answer these questions and come up with a serious plan of attack then the community needs to come together and form a group of people dedicated to answering these questions. I also think our community admins/mods need to get more involved in these matters too, and lead us to find answers. The 3 main types of detection: Account-Profiling: - This is when Jagex takes a look at your actions over an extended period of time, and looks to see how realistic it is. If you create an account and immediately send it to pick flax for 2 weeks after leaving tut island you'll look like an obvious bot. Therefore, an account with a higher total-level and more quests will suffer from a lower ban-rate than a nooby looking account (Not to say that this will entirely diminish bans) Script profiling: - This concerns how your script behaves each time it runs. Similarities in the path it walks, the way the mouse moves, how repetitive your actions are, etc. Basically, if every script runs the same on each client, then they will all behave similarly. IP profiling: - This is the simplest of the detection methods, and is used to flag all accounts played from a known botting IP address. Tested methods: - More human-like mouse algorithm - Projects lead by The Dream team (Noto and dream) and some other ppl. - Projects yielded beautiful results, but were in-effective in effecting bans. Possible Counter-Measures: Anti Account-Profiling || Anti Script-Profiling - Script scheduler -In development by devs apparently Botters will be able to be able to create a schedule for which scripts to run and for how long. This way your bot can perform many activities throughout the day instead of just 1 task. - Web walking -In development by devs apparently Currently in order to make a script walk you've got to provide a list of tiles that the script uses as a path to follow. This is great for creating a quick path to get somewhere, but opens up a vunerability for Jagex to recognize the pattern we take each time (Even if this path is somewhat randomized ea time). With web-walking, we'd create the path to and from the destination dynamically ea time, opening up an infinite amount of paths you could take to and from your destination. With this we-walking i'd like to see it capable of not only the most efficient route, but also wandering from the most efficient path at times. - Unique botting profiles -Idea proposed by myself and used on other sites in the past (RID) Each botter would receive a uniqu botting profile. This profile would contain many characteristics including reaction time, mouse speed, how often you AFK etc. These factors would then be accounted for in the OSBot API, so that way EVERY script performs differntly based on that profile. -NEW - Custom reaction times. I believe that most scripts have a large flaw in the way they determine the state of the script. This is because usually as SOON as a condition is met for as task we will execute that method. My proposal is that we craete a sort of Task Management System which will mimic how often a player pays attention to each task, so it won't necessarily notice the npcs as soon as they're ready to attack. -NEW - Defence System If we are to make any big strives in technology i also think it's wise to protect our tech from Jagex because im sure they could see what we're doing...
  19. Srsly, who gives a fuck anyways? Botting is dead until we find a way to slip past jagex's detection. I'm gonna' go crawl into a hole and wait out this shit-storm.
  20. If the customer is happy and the deisgner is happy, then who cares? I paid quite a high price for my Gfx from Dex as well, but it's worth it. He's extremely professional, talented, and willing to take suggestion/ideas.
  21. plz no, i blow smoke rings while watching ur woman blow smoke rings and imagine i have a friend :{
  22. TBH dude i wouldn't care. I bet everyone in your family is sexy as fuck. Even your grandma is prolly still a 10/10 on the Official Swizzie Sexiness Scale. I'd give my life to smack them old saggy titties around just once. That's been addressed already. I'd get into the details of it but would take at least SDN Scripter rank + to understand. Yezzzzir ;D Right after reds in Brimhaven.
  23. LOLOL, plz no xD Verified, king of...................................................................... shitty wc'ers Oooooh, 'das some sexy retro shit son. ;D Made enuff to pay for a wonderful night with your grandma m8. I'll make her take her dentures out b4 gagging on my dragon ballz.
  24. Shush with your nubby little GDK jizzbeat.
  25. My script slays greens, blues, black and the King Black Dragon! Suck my dragon balls bitch call me Goku !!!!
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