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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Deffiliate

  1. This right here is some true shit! I offered to help out, and provided many fixes for the banking class, yet Laz's popmpous -ass treated us like we were unnecessary. If we had an API-Team the cleint would be bug-free in no time and we could focus on more important things (Like the ban-rate!!!) Ya, and that "Dev" would become lazy and do nothing like our current devs. With an API-Team we could fire the ones who are no longer contributing and Actually MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
  2. Difference: - The API is organized a bit more, so instead of having all the methods in the MethodPRovider, you've got them divided into Bank, Inventory, Settings, etc. Once you get used to it you'll like it. - Scripters are making WAY less moolah because user-base has dropped alot.
  3. Mikasa pls. My naming is always Top notch. King of the Dragons FTW (Unless releases Mother of Dragons ;o)
  4. Here's ur Daily update: OSB is still dying. Stay tuned for more updates
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNuXZR-pGzg
  6. Deffiliate

    OSBot 2.2.8

    I'm on the API team.. That's our current list.
  7. Deffiliate

    OSBot 2.2.8

    API-Team has been going hard. We're just waiting for team to be officially recognized
  8. Insta-Ban or a delayed ban? plz don't confuse the 2. Epsi is right. OSB may be getting people banned quickly, but so are all other bots right now honestly. Botting in general is detachable, not the client.
  9. Keep us updated on all the crazy vodka-Fueled Russian adventures u experience.
  10. I agree with Swizz. Y;all are making this shit too complex -.- private void walkPath(Position[] path){ Position finalPos = null; for(Position pos : path){ if(map.canReach(pos) && pos.distance(myPlayer().getPosition())<12 && pos.getZ()==myPosition().getZ()){ finalPos = pos; } } if((finalPos!=null && (map.getDestination()==null|| map.getDestination().distance(finalPos)>3))){ localWalker.walk(finalPos); } }
  11. OkayGoods? -.- So you're not GREAT, or even good... you're just "Okay" ? Such horrible marketing...
  12. It's never constant for me. I'll usually go for weeks without spanking it 'til i can't stop myself. Then I go on a week-long FapFest until I feel dirty and terrible about myself and quit again for a week or so. It's a vicious cycle.
  13. Next planned script is: Caged ogre ranger, telegrab + Cannon support. Will be free.
  14. Asuna, look deep into my soul and answer this : Is the world full of insanity or is that just me?
  15. Good topic Realist. What would be the perfect gold-farming script in your guys' opinion for the current botting situation? Also, do you guys feel that there are more casual botters (PPl botting mains and pures) than farmers on OSB now?
  16. Word hell ya trout are my favorite to catch / eat usually too Also, I went to a pond to go fishign and i can say by far i'd rather fish on a river/ lake where there's lots of room to explore.
  17. Word hell ya trout are my favorite to catch / eat usually too Also, I went to a pond to go fishign and i can say by far i'd rather fish on a river/ lake where there's lots of room to explore.
  18. R.i.P DexBot: Who died before even learning to kill a chicken, much less slay a dragon
  19. We already knew he would come crawling back. This is why u don't respond to Good-bye threads from attention-whores like LOL!manden.
  20. So basically, you'd be creating a language to go on top of OSBot API. How custombizable will the script be? / how many logic types can u use? IDK it's my honest opionon that if someone wants to learn to actually put some code down they mite as well just learn osb API and some basic jabba. That being said you COULD prolly sell a good guide/class type program + powerful API which would be cooler....
  21. Deffiliate


    Okay, so I really wanted to share this with my fellow pot smokers. Nezz and I have a script called Well-Endowed Elder druids, and we've always abbreviated it as WEED for short. We uploaded it to the SDN a few days ago. When scripts are uploaded to the SDN they are assigned a unique ID. Turns out, the ID for our script was 420! This totally blew my mind.
  22. This is relevant to me. I actually need a way of telling ea dragon from the other. If the model of ea dragon is the same, but the coloration is different, will I still be able to tell the difference in the dragons based off the model?
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