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Everything posted by TR33

  1. My accounts get banned relatively new and it's always a perm. Actually never had a 2 day ban ever. Guess I'm just unlucky.
  2. ^This Drugs aren't the only things that can change your mood.
  3. Yeah, we'll see how it goes. And my pc is shit, so I can only run 2 bots. SSF is moving elsewhere. Good luck to you too. Risky business with that big start-up.
  4. How long would you think that'd take? Before you venture in to it I'd definitely run some numbers and see how much you'd be getting payed per hour and whether that's ok with you or not. Because that's what it really boils down to imo.
  5. Funny you say that because i actually was thinking about that exact thing quite a bit today. I'm more of the work horse here and he's is more or less piggybacking off me. Not sure what I'm gonna do. Probably just gonna tell him exactly how I feel and see what we decide on. I definitely want my priorities to be friends over business.
  6. Successful day in that I now know more of what I'm looking for in a VPS. Wasted some money, but it's all good. Also got to test out my scripts on 5 accounts. Only found one bug, but was able to fix it. Most of today's work has been pretty discouraging seeing how these VPS's just aren't cutting it, but I'm not giving up yet. This process here is what separates those that wish they could make good money off RS from those that actually do so imma keep on truckin. If anyone has some experience troubleshooting Linux errors with osbot let me know. I pay well
  7. Hardest part for me has been finding a good vps. Bans haven't bothered me yet.
  8. TR33

    Be honest

    Tried it once to see if I was any good at it. I spammed that I was trimming rune armor for 5k a piece. One guy came up and put full rune and 20k into the trading screen, accepted to the second page (I had a total nerd boner at this time), and kept the screen up for a minute then closed out, said scammer, and walked away. I was so disappointed that I didn't play RS for a week after that. This was back when my bank consisted of half mithril half steel set, a gold necklace, and a diamond ring that I finally saved up for to give to my "gf" that was actually a dude next time i saw her him.
  9. Nope, I value irl relationships much more over online ones. Neither is better than the other imo, but I just enjoy irl ones far far more.
  10. On my old main all my levels from 70 onwards were botted. Ended up with a total level of 2000 I think before I was banned. Half a dozen 99's I believe. Banned while dungeoneering Always hated that thing.
  11. Thanks guys I'm making some major progress today
  12. Been using it for a while now. Love it
  13. TR33

    SOTW 24 Voting

    Tough decision. Good job to all 3
  14. TR33


    My transactions from my local bank to a persons paypal is instant, so I'm sure yours would be too.
  15. TR33

    Awesome or Nah?

    ^This I'm so lost with RS3 stuff
  16. Can you make me a tree? Make sure it's a super special tree.
  17. Well that changes everything. I thought you were figuratively killing druids. On a more serious note, just saying you can't go "Hey Mr. Mod, I got banned but I didn't deserve it". Make a story about how that account was special to you and shit.
  18. Didn't get as much done as I wanted to with all this irl stuff I've been dealing with. Not to mention picking a VPS being a lot harder than I expected. Plans for tomorrow are to buy the VPS I finally decided on and test some time's to do certain actions to schedule what I gotta do and at what time for max efficiency. Sunday will be testing that schedule out and showing my friend the plan. Monday will be my friend and I running the botfarm as we plan to do in the future, just on a smaller scale. Thinking somewhere between 3-5 f2p accounts a day for this initial test so the profits will be miniscule. If everything works out well then it'll be full steam ahead to making around $70 a day per person if all the numbers work out. These next few days are gonna be the dealbreaker. If it works then nothing will stop us. If not then it's a very painful walk back to the drawing boards.
  19. Play 07 legit on one account that I'm trying to get a quest cape on. Haven't touched RS3 in years.
  20. Second. It makes you look like a kid pleading for attention. I find that comical.
  21. Anything that is actually creative and not some spin off of another thing or a service where you sell something for half a penny less. That's where the real money is made. Not to mention satisfying money.
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