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Everything posted by Failure

  1. That's because cakes as example when full it has ID 500 when eaten once it goes to 501, again 502 and than its gone. Or the name doesn't work anymore.
  2. Also be found on Zeah though. In the cave, after the completion of The Depths of Despair quest http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/Crabclaw_Caves I could give you acces to my account @Czarif you would like?
  3. Ahh explains a lot, about finding npc's can you put an refresh button somewhere? Sometimes it doesn't refresh the monsters for me (only searches at start up?)
  4. There is only misc 1 and misc 2,if you're talking about misc 2, still grayed out after loading though.
  5. @CzarNot sure what the issue is, but the profile is saved and after loading and grabbing gear, they remain gray. https://i.imgur.com/sBN5r9d.gif Edit : I disabled Banking and loaded an profile where it was active, all the options were grayed out though, deactivating and activating again solved it.
  6. Randoms are handled by the client, not script.
  7. @CzarI have made an profile but when loading those settings are grayed out. https://i.imgur.com/PQXlooc.png
  8. It is, but the script offers to handle it, so that should be working.
  9. @Czar Regarding the Stronghold of Security doors dialogs I made some GIFs. I think the problem is that it doesn't know the newer questions(?) or some other issue that's for you to find out lol.
  10. 55M than. Edit : Thanks for fixing Quest pictures!
  11. Alright, sounds good! Thanks for the reply.
  12. I never noticed an Plugin tab? So I guess normal version lol. Will do when I run the script again, do you also require Widget ID or something?
  13. Hi @Czar long time ago I requested an Task System, you said that's you would look into it and eventually make it (like 2 years ago lol) is it ever gonna happen? Since it's in Perfect Fighter, wouldn't be such an hassle I guess lol.
  14. I do have issues with it, it's very slow at handling the dialog. Or doesn't even do it at all. I'm at the Zombies when you enter the second floor using Perfect Fighter (which includes the plugin I assume?)
  15. OK, 51m OSRS GP as that is your payment method.
  16. Wouldn't it say due Bot Busting instead of Macroing? Thanks though, but that's the risk lol. Just sucks since I had an Quest Cape also (I hate questing...)
  17. No problem it always can happen. Does the script handles the doors and dialogus at Stronghold Security or is does the client handle it though?
  18. I pay 45 euro's via PayPal which is around 59M. Also I want to make use of an Middleman. Edit : The Quests album doesn't seem to work for me.
  19. I also have the problem with 226.2, after pressing Continue, nothings happens.
  20. Client: Injection.  Time online the day leading to a ban: 3-4 Activit(es) botted leading to a ban: Barabian fishing (Perfect Fisher), Slayer (Perfect Fighter, Bloodvelds), Fletching (AcerdFletcher)  Age of account: 1660+ days. Extra info : was botting not longer than 4 hours a day (been botting before, combat 116, base stats 70) also been playing mobile in between and after botting of maxium of 4 hours. edit : took breaks every hour or 2 for 20/30 minutes.
  21. Any plans for updating the GUI? Seems after saving an profile and then stopping the script, loading. The profile some checkboxes are not click able (as like with gear) also Task Manager seems to be grayed out sometimes. Not sure if reported already, if it happens again I'll make an GIF. Also when starting the script and stopping (repeat 5 times or so) the game starts to stutter and uses a lot of memory (I think it has an thread that it uses it not closing properly thus creating an memory leak). Edit : Also the gp gained and hour is not working properly. https://i.imgur.com/lt3ABPo.png
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