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  1. You need to have an actual osrs client open, in "Fixed mode" for the mirror mode bot to hook onto. That should solve the problem
  2. Unfortunately, it seems like the gem cutting is no longer functioning -- it clicks the chisel then the gem, and then repeats that action. It doesn't go to the interface that opens up in the chat window. Any chance you could fix this?
  3. Sweet, I'll be bringing my new nub accounts up to proper lvls then so I can test!
  4. I don't get it, why is this fella allowed to advertise his VPS services outside of the Market? I mean, the one month is avaidable for a nice price, ofcourse, but it's avaidable for a PRICE nonetheless. OT: so if I were to purchase a month of usage of your VPS, I would be billed 30 usd total If I were to want to continue using your VPS after that one month, it'll be 118 dollars a month? Sounds an awful lot like a paid trial to me
  5. I only tried west dragons, I don't like east Though, just theoretically, would it be practical to have a ring of wealth tele for east, bank at GE, use the agility shortcut and then go to wildy to the green dragons? as optional
  6. Aye, but though it is broken, it still functions quite decently if babysitted Note: this is all on mirror mode on my 85/85/85 nub, it takes me about 15-17 minutes per full run, including looting bag that's: 25 green dhide + 25 dbones per 15-17 minutes let's round that off to 20 minutes: that'd be 75 green dhide + 75 dbone per hour = 112.5+206.5k=about 320k/hr in money The path the script takes to the green dragons is nice, it makes good use of the non-multi cb area monsters in wildy in my opinion Though it accurately kills dragons, it often glitches a little when looting. On the first run of the script, looting bag works well. After the first trip, it no longer works, and it will only fill your inventory. An easy fix is to restart the bot manually whenever you bank. This is neccesary anyhow as the banking of the items inside the looting bag doesn't seem to function. Rather than using the deposit all function, it instead deposits all of either dragon bones or dhides and then hovers until I manually move it past that. You mentioned earlier in this thread that you wanted to know how it handled taking ammy's of glory out of the bank. I tested it with ammy of glory (4)'s and (6)'s, it wouldn't take either out of the bank, so that functionality is currently broken. This leads to minor issues when the bot returns to the green dragons and then tries to teleport back to edge. Though it has a functionality to run back, it won't always auto-engage this function. When someone with ancients attacks you, the reaction is fast, but not too fast. It teles away smoothtly. When someone with teleblock attacks you, it will run through the dark wizards to try to escape. Though this works well, it won't always log/hop properly afterwards, resulting in the pker often catching up anyhow. Though it definitely is not safe to use this bot without babysitting it fairly heavily, I can easily run this for 3-4 hours in a row when studying, as long as I keep restarting the bot after each run. It makes a nice profit/hr, and the xp/hr isn't bad either. Side note: it seems to automatically take my extended anti-dragonfire potions out of my bank whenever it goes on a run. It uses 1 dose per run, so 1 pot lasts 4 runs I also worry a little about the patterns, I started recognizing the pattern the bot takes after about an hour of 3 of babysitting. Would it perhaps be possible to add support for super cb pots? That'd be awesome
  7. Woot

    Molly's Thiever

    Could I get a trial please?
  8. It's been a while, but I'm going to test this one starting today I'll inform you of my progress!
  9. Will do Muffins. I won't be online until tomorrow though, but I'll hit you up if I see you're online
  10. Hey muffin, I have the following issue: Whenever I use OSBOT and use a premium script, it becomes impossible for me to multi-bot in one bot client. This is probably due to the console being shared inbetween bots. Unfortunately though, whenever I try to start up a second osbot client, it won't load at all. It will get to the Choose stealth injection / Mirror client part. After that, I click on mirrorclient, click continue, and the osbot client just disappears and it doesn't end up loading. Is there a way to get around this? tl;dr: can't run 2 seperate osbot clients at once. h3lp pl0x0rz?
  11. Liked it! Rooting for the Windows2 VPN
  12. Woot

    cant use tab?

    What he means is the following: In o7scape, when you start up the regular client, it is possible to use the "Tab" button on your keyboard to respond to PM's. He is wondering as to why he can't use this tab function, which isn't incorporated into osbot I think.
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