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Everything posted by bluelighty

  1. Hey man I have some suggestions for improvements for the script. 1. Option to disable selling on GE 2. Enable rune pouch support for teleporting. Currently it withdraws the exact amount of runes needed for teleports which is super suspicious. 3. Proper tool leprachaun support. Currently it withdraws compost from bank as notes but then withdraws from leprechaun too and uses those first. 4. Support for other herb patches. Currently herbs are big money but the script only supports 6 patches. Here's to hoping the script gets updated but seeing other comments, it hasn't been updated in months/years
  2. nvm just found out its cus my spellbook doesn't have the filters enabled. its done by right clicking the spellbook > enable filters
  3. Hi @Czar, the high level alch spell is out of place again. It is clicking on high alch then moving just abit top to click the item
  4. hey @Czar could u add cooking trouts/salmon at barbarian village fishes? Its such a waste to drop all the fishes when u can get tons of cooking xp as well
  5. hey @Czar can u add feature to clean every grimy herb in bank? maybe just search keyword 'grimy' and take out everything and clean it
  6. will werewolf course be added anytime soon?
  7. Bot is bugging out at the bank on fossil. It keeps moving away from the chest while osbot is trying to type in the PIN and keeps repeating it. Forgot to copy the logger
  8. hope the druid update works for the undead druids in forthos too. The xp/profit ratio there is insane
  9. nope. fixed window. stealth inject
  10. bot broken while moving hellcat
  11. bluelighty

    Fruity NMZ

    Arrg isnt worrking for me. The bot keeps running back to the corner after being ranged by Arrg. Using obby and south west spot if it helps
  12. Is it possible to update the script to have an extra option where you can tick more than 1 task so that the bot will randomise the task chosen for each round? This makes it more human like rather than doing the same thing every round
  13. yeah i have full rune armor on, a green vamb, dboots, and a staff of earth. Together it gave me -68 magic attack but the script only casts once on the cows and doesn't do anything after
  14. Yeah the curse bug is there for me too. -68 magic trying to splash cruse on cows. It casts once then stops edit: playing on fixed mode
  15. Alch not working. Typed in Black d'hide body with nat, fire runes and a fire staff in my inv. Bot not doing anything even while waiting
  16. Alch doesn't work at all. Im equipping a bow but got the staff of fire, fire and nat runes and blue d'hide body in inventory but bot doesn't alch anything... Just gets on boat and does nothing
  17. Hi @Czar can you make the bot not click on the minimap for the agility courses. seems really botty when you can just click the obstacles
  18. Script has a logic bug (e.g. dies while safespotting) or (cannon mode doesn't pickup arrows) - What is the bug - Bot would sometimes loot the bone after the npc has respawned, taking damage from aggro. - (optional) recommendation for the bug: Make the bot only loot when the npc you are killing is dead OR only loot when the area is clear - Tried client restart? - Using mirror mode and tried restarting client - Which exact setup options are enabled? Range mode, loot ammo, loot bones and bury when inventory full, loot only my targets, smart safespotting at blue dragons (works but looting abit buggy), edit: actually nvm restarted client again and its working ok
  19. Uhh the bot isn't banking in gems until it gets the ores from the sack, wasting inventory. Can you make it that it banks in the gem everytime after it puts the rocks in the hopper?
  20. Hi can we get an option to hop worlds if there are players nearby? I wanna mine gems at shilo village but if theres players crashing, im not there to interfere when botting. edit: There's also a bug where banking the gems in shilo, the bot would keep trying to run out of the fence north of the gem rocks. Using mirror-mode and tried with both on-screen and in-list mining and setting bank to shilo and nearest. Both have the same bug.
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