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Iron Poster

Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. Can u remove the eagle quest requirement to start bot. Can’t use on league.
  2. so am confuse about the new jagex security system. i uploaded to the jagex luncher but cant use the bot on the client. so once u updated to jagex luncher u cant use the bot client anymore?
  3. able to add brim agility?
  4. for me usually if the account has a few hour on it with decent stats and play time. it get banned for 2 day and follow by a perm ban after if continue to bot.
  5. kazel

    Perfect Agility AIO

    can this support brim agility dungeon? cant be perfect without it *wink*
  6. czar what the option to attack ur npc only cant seem to fine it.
  7. kazel

    Perfect Agility AIO

    update on brimhaven agility?
  8. possible to add planting in house? plant and replant in POH
  9. https://imgur.com/GeyKKbK it has slayer helm (i),graceful set, and other stuff
  10. possible to add making plant bag for farming exp
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