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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Foed

  1. Disputed member:RsGoldMart_Owen Thread Link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/78704-crazy-1-def-pure-60-1-85-94-mage-fully-quested-cheap/#entry873501 Explanation: Owen PMed me saying that he would be able to sell me his pure account for 20Mil, after I validate that it is him on OSBot I trade him the 20Mil for the account, he then proceeds to teleport away and block me from Skype. He never gives me the account information. Evidence:
  2. It's the weekend, learn about botting before you post.
  3. As Jack said, if you use mirror mode you will most likely not be banned, injection is an auto ban.
  4. Botting with injection is auto ban, it's not worth investing time just to get banned.
  5. Never use injection on a non bot farm account, you will be banned.
  6. Don't bot on weekdays, use a VPS.
  7. Don't log into your main using the injection client and you will be fine.
  8. Do not not on weekdays, just saying.
  9. You can't get banned during the weekends, during the weekdays, its almost insta-ban.
  10. I believe mirror will be released to the public in the future.
  11. idk how all your acc's arent banned.
  12. Why would you resell a VPS with a flagged ip?
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