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jordan gamble

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Everything posted by jordan gamble

  1. Looking for a good script for combat was wondering if i could test it for 2 days? im shopping around looking for one still debating on just buying a private script Pls let me kno!
  2. Do you sell Fresh accounts with TUT completed Do you sell Fresh accounts with TUT completed
  3. your clueless you need to go on emails and fix the stolen on all 350 accounts its annoying with an account creator then you wouldnt have to do that
  4. i got 350 accounts that were days pass the limit so it doesnt need the quest for 10 bucks im sure ill be fine without ur
  5. LOL you think i dont got tut island scripts? ? im making a farm famo
  6. that isnt a good price at all id rather have an account creator where i can make 100
  7. Willing to pay for a good script thatll create accounts using proxys with user name and passwords please!
  8. im willing to buy the script i just need something thatll create accounts under the proxies i am buying ive seen them around they are just old or people are no longer working on them please help! i need it to support Proxies user/passwords
  9. Disputed Member: D Bolter Why it should be removed: He did fast service i was mad at him sorry wont happen again Details:we got into arguement Link to topic:https://osbot.org/forum/profile/10518-d-bolter/?tab=node_feedback_Feedback
  10. Buying all gold i know prices Best option wins Not super large amounts hml
  11. They were working recently then everyone one of my proxies did this i didnt ask him to change anything?
  12. got alot of accs banned over webwalking idk what that is
  13. doesnt tell me anything it just logins but doesnt start the script for some reason will with downloaded scripts no problem honestly just give me the jar and id fix the problem i dont think that code works make error between osbot??
  14. So i add in your script id Then i setup account details Says a script is running but will not work! now once i start it manual it will work but it should of started by its self i could get it to work if i have the actual download for the script itself
  15. The SDN is not working could i have the file so i can just add it in myself?
  16. Hi im buying gold for .82 mil!!! around 50m Hit me up i need it
  17. So i got proxies and on 1 i made 2 account outta those accounts only 1 was lock/stolen im wondering if im able to recover them or fastest way to recover? am i using a bad ip address?? i just want to make emails for all the accounts i must recover.
  18. Also how would i start the TUT island script on these accounts everytime i try nothing runs..
  19. SDN number for this item id so i can use it on my bot farm
  20. Having a problem with bot farm i cant run this without the SDN Script ID no clue where to get it or is there a downloadable forum?
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