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Everything posted by dormic

  1. you're not the only one!!
  2. it's free on github oh hey there! let me check and see if i can add things to your reasoning: intro: i did not want to create 30 - 40 scripts in total for all different money making methods - wouldn't make it easier muling, trading and selling it and lets not forget coming up with the money making methods. when you scale, there's indeed an upper scaling. only a few money making methods could handle scaling up to thousands. uncommon tasks hit that ceiling very quickly option 1: yes time is everything on F2p suicide botting. Creating and leveling an account would take an hour. If it's banned within that hour, it's lost time and money. What I experienced is that upon account creation, the accounts would get banned on tutorial island itself quite quickly. option 2: I tried dedicated static proxies, rotating residential proxies with all the same outcome: The first few days worked fine, but then ban rates started to accelerate. This could be prevented by using static residential proxies - but these are really hard to come by - and also very expenisve to use - usually cost 15$/GB of data used and runescape is quite data intensive when using on alot of accounts. Heard someone made their on home address a VPN via Raspberry PI and just reset his router every few days or so, maybe if you can also convince your neighbors to do as well. I guess you could do this with slaves as well if you are into that, but making it a tad more illegal. outro: it was enough to get even, but not any big profits or anything. just cost a lot of time to maintain with the updates and when stuff broke. Code wasn't written that well, but helped me to speed up the intial progress alot. I do know of some other people that were profiting a few thousand a month from the same methods, but they were able to get their account ready to action much more quickly for some reason that i never understood - or they were just straight up lying. with the new f2p anti-bot measures it become so much harder to keep the profit alive, that it wasn't worth it for me anymore - since i lost interest and moved on to other project already no problem, the source code can be found on my github. I dont see it as a waste, since I learned a lot, may it inspire more people to do so
  3. Hi. Could you PM me with what you found? Protonmail/osbot credentials are old/not relevant Well, yes. It was a F2P suicide bot, and haven't used it in over a year due to new projects
  4. Hi. Because of the recent updates and that I am no longer working on this project, I have decided to open source this project. Feel free to do with it whatever you want. I will not help you set it up whatsoever. https://github.com/pim97/osbot_scripts_tasks -- all the questing / farming scripts https://github.com/pim97/osbot_accountmanager -- the account creation manager etc
  5. im still in uni sure unless you're really efficient with very high quality proxies, otherwise not really, you really need a few hundred for it to be decent per month. gold prices are also low at the moment
  6. They are not online 24/7, as I think it will increase ban rates. The mules are coupled together in a database and then run from this configuration with another script. The initial step wil trigger once it hits 25.000 gold or so on a mule, next is 500.000 and the last one is 2.500.000 mill I believe.
  7. Expecting a stackmap frame at branch target 73?
  8. The project has stopped for now because of the profitability, costs so much & also in time for a small margin. Will continue with the project, but now kinda busy.
  9. I have a 100% ban rate on stealth injection mode on about 70.000 accounts. Pretty sure stealth is detected.
  10. uhm optimal? na its really pushing the machine's limits. cpu & both ram are a bottleneck because I use webwalking in my scripts.
  11. About 100$ per server - I have 6 -> 600$ about 200$ total on proxies -> 800$ about 150$ on captcha's -> 950$ So about 950$ per month to run this, need to make at least 1,2b per month to break even.
  12. Its the difference between instant bans on all accounts and 50% surviving for a few more hours. Never done the math to see if it's profitable tbh. The proxies cost me about 200$/month. Nothing at all, just using about 350 different proxies.
  13. All proxy providers have that ...
  14. I'm having constant bans so far with this build, can't proof it, just throwing it around here to see if anyone else is experiencing this.
  15. Never was any importance to me, bandwidth, I have unlimited on my proxies/servers. You can always disable things like images in Selenium so they don't render. Can reduce a lot of bandwith. A decent amount already, it's not my first project.
  16. I don't create hundreds of accounts a day, its all automated.
  17. Because all my accounts get banned twice a day, around 8 AM in the morning and around 4 PM. With about a 99% accuracy. I have to recreate them all the time and that takes lots of time that they could have been farming. The problem with such an operation is IP addresses, I can't sell my proxies after every ban, that would cost a ton, so I keep them. Some of the IP's are already banned hundreds of times for botting and they actually do detect that. Still looking for a way to fix that issue. Been looking into mobile ISP's and rotating proxies with millions of unique addresses, but no luck so far.
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