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Script Kid

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Everything posted by Script Kid

  1. That can be used to bot on your botting accounts
  2. I recreated your code based on your comments @Override public int onLoop() { if (clayArea.contains(myPlayer())) { } else if (!clayArea.contains(myPlayer())) { } else { this will never be executed } return 1500; } You can either be in the area or not. There is no third option, so the last else block will never get executed.
  3. This value needs to be refreshed every time you try to mine a new rock. Do this in every method that uses this variable.
  4. mirror mode reflects the ban back to jagex so they ban themselves instead
  5. High cpu usage results in high temperature which results in high fan usage. Fan speed can be adjusted from the motherboard settings, tho I'm not sure if you really want to lower it anymore because your cpu is about to melt. I don't understand what the hell are you doing there and how is one client eating up half of your cpu power (on alienware).
  6. I got permanently banned for botting today during those hours but thanks to the rollback I've received the account back ty jagex
  7. No, that would be the max cash bug which happened a few months ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO_P1HaDIrY
  8. As long as the code runs in the same thread there is no difference between containing everything in one method and splitting the actions into different smaller methods. The only advantages for spitting code are increased modularity, readability and ease of maintenance. Otherwise the VM couldn't give less of a shit if the code is delivered in a single method instead of 10.
  9. Sounds like a fun way to get infected with malware. You should download only from oracle.
  10. Script Kid


  11. do u mean that dis doesnt reduce ban rate if i hover to see woodcutting experience even if its very random also why you call me a script kiddie do u want to be hacked
  12. Maybe because this topic is almost 2 years old and it's dead as fuck?
  13. Do something original, like a woodcutter.
  14. k bro @assaulted What I was trying to say is that if your goal is avoiding bans and you are also willing to stay focused on the game and reply to every player that speaks, you might also just play the fucking game yourself instead of botting, because last time I checked the ban rate for playing legit is quite low. The only reason for using a bot is because it allows you to do something else while it runs, so you don't have to pay attention to the game.
  15. Sorry, that is simply not true. The number returned by the onLoop method is amount of time the script executor will wait before invoking the method again. If this delay is set to 0, it will attempt to run the script as fast as possible, invoking the method as many times per second as your CPU can. Since the server updates the game at the very slow pace of 100 times per minute, having 1 ms or less delay between iterations is unnecessary, extremely inefficient, and can even cause the client to freeze (happened a few minutes ago when I tested running with 0 ms delay). Most scripting tutorials recommend adding a delay, this one included: And it was made by @Alek.
  16. Then what's the point of botting if you still need to focus on the game?
  17. I'm not sure if this will fix the problem but you should't have a variable holding the inventory instance. Just get the inventory instance every time you need to use it. And fishing spots are npcs, not objects.
  18. You fixed the problem in this particular case but you didn't find the answers to your original questions so you won't be able to debug your code the next time it happens. Here: A null pointer exception is a type of runtime exception that occurs when a null value was used when an object instance was required. Examples include calling methods or accessing fields of a variable that is null. By default all reference (non-primitive) variables in Java are null. Object variableOne = new Object(); Object variableTwo = null; Object variableThree; Only the first variable points to an actual object instance. The second and third variables are both pointing to null. Calling any Object methods from the second or third variables will throw a null pointer exception because the variable is not pointing to a valid Object instance, it's pointing to null. You always read the stack trace. The null pointer exception occurred on the first line and all the other lines represent the call stack - all the methods that have been called in the program, which eventually resulted in this error: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.osbot.rs07.event.InteractionEvent.<init>(zi:86) < here is where the null pointer exception occurred at Thieverclass.onStart(Thieverclass.java:51) < here is where you called the method that threw the exception at ... at ... ... Usually you are going to fix the first line, because that is where the exception occurred, but in this case the first line is part of the API, which means that you cannot change it. But you can instead change the code from the second line and make sure that you are not passing a null value to the method from the first line.
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