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  1. Hey can i get a trail ? Thanks!
  2. Buying 10 + zulrah ready accounts. Fully quested, 80+def 80+rang 80+ magic 76 agil. Offer me please Payments can be done in whatever you like. (btc, paypal,, bank transfer, etc, etc) I agree to use a middleman if needed. Pm me on discord You can contact me on discord; Bolcom#2395 Unique ID: 518065646970601483
  3. Pm me on discord Bolcom#2395
  4. Found a seller, topic closed
  5. Yes i enabled runepouch and vengeance, for some reason if i deselect runepouch vengeace will work..
  6. Hi there, Im searching for 2 zulrah ready accounts. MUST HAVE: - Zulrah quests - 80+ Ranged - 80+ Magic -80+ Defence I will be buying ONLY from trusted users of OSbot. Payment will be via OSRS gold/ Paypal. EDIT: Closed
  7. Script works great but ive noticed i selected vengeance on the options and after starting the script it banks the rune pouch and never uses vengeance. please fix this
  8. Feel free to add my discord ( in my signature)
  9. Black knights fortress Cooks assistant The corsair curse Demon slayer Doric's quest Dragon slayer ernest the chicken goblin diplomacy Imp catcher The knight's word Mishtalin mystery Pirate's treasure Prince ali rescue Romei & Juliet rune mysteries Sheep shearer Vampire slayer Witchs potion x marks the spot 8M 5 hours max feel free to add my discord below EDIT: If you have the req levels = 8M
  10. Indeed man, i hope i could get my refund.
  11. No i didnt use any proxies, i only have 1 account and thats my main that i got banned on, i used also mirror mode..
  12. Hi i've used this script for 8 hours, about 40min botting and about 30min breaks everytime. And i got perm banned.. Can i get a refund please...
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