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Everything posted by omgperson1

  1. Hi Khal! Loved your wintertodl script, could I get a trial for this script
  2. Hi! I love the script, but one suggestion is if the user set their withdrawal to 14, could you make it so that it just clicks the herb and vial of water, instead of having to right click the herb and withdraw all. That way it's less clicks, and hopefully lower ban rate.
  3. Hi Czar!! Could I get a trial please? Thank you!
  4. Hi Czar!! Could I have a trial for this script? Thank you!!
  5. Hi! Could I have a trial on the agility script. It supports high alchs right? Thank you!!
  6. Hi Czar! I loved your fighter script, could I get a trial for this script? Thanks Also any chance this script supports high alch with agility?
  7. Thanks for the giveaway! It's much appreciate at this time of crisis.
  8. Hi Czar, I noticed you liked my comment on the free trial for pest control. I don't seem to see the script on my bot, could it be that I've gotten the free trial before?

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    1. Czar


      Hello friend, did you refresh the scripts in the client browser? It should appear ^^ :D 

  9. Could I please have a trial as well? Thank you
  10. Could I get a trial please? Thank you.
  11. How much for a private script that lets you buy in the warrior's guild?
  12. Hello friends, Would this youtube video be a good start to learn how to script? Also how outdated is the video, would I need new information that wasn't provided in the video? (i'm asking this since this video came out at 2016, and if there was new implementations i have to consider when scripting)
  13. Ohh sorry friend. Would it be possible to add support to the warriors guild?
  14. @Juggles I love this script!! I just have an issues, where it sometimes doesn't hop worlds and sometimes when the inventory is full it will give an error in the logger and not move the console would say (this happened in the warrior guild) [ERROR][Bot #1][08/27 06:50:52 PM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.LocalPathFinder.findPath(bp:84) at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.LocalPathFinder.findPath(bp:196) at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.LocalPathFinder.findPath(bp:149) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Map.realDistance(un:243) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Bank.open(xk:318) at Main.Main.E(g:279) at Main.Main.onLoop(g:483) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(qn:206) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Also hopping worlds, it would only hop one above and one below. sometimes it will hop back to the one I already visited just before.
  15. Hello @H0rn, the script works wonders, however with the new update. The script doesn't recognize the Edgeville bank. Could you please take a look at the script? Console: ```[ERROR][Bot #1][08/27 04:54:23 PM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException```
  16. Hello Khaleesi I'm having an issue, the coal doesn't withdraw. No matter what setting I put them in. Also the coal and all materials are on the top of the bank, as per instructions. Settings: steel bars, stamina potion, coal bag, 60 smithing, money already in coffer. Is there something else I'm doing wrong? I have also deposited at-least 80 coal into the furnace before running the script. I tried other bars and the script doesn't withdraw coal in the beginning of the script How the script runs: The script would start in the blast furnace. Then it would say in the GUI paint withdrawing coal and then it would open the bank. It would then close out of the bank and then open the bank. And you get the point.
  17. Ahh I see, would it be possible for another trial? I didn't get to use it properly? Thanks again! I will buy if I can run for at least a couple of hours.
  18. Hello @Khaleesi, I tried steel bars with coal bag and anti-ban and the script starts. It goes into the bank and comes out and repeats for the duration of the script. The gui paint saids withdrawing coal. level 64 smith, with ice gloves and goal bag.
  19. I understand, but I want to see how it works for myself. I guess I'm just a bit stingy when buying scripts. Also as of right now, the script doesn't work. I started script in the blast furnace, all the coal and iron for steel bars are in the bank. When I use the script with ice gloves and stamina potion, the script just logs me out
  20. Hello @Czar, I'm sorry to ask, but I'm having issues with my osbot all day, could I get an extension? Many Thanks friend
  21. Hello @Khaleesi, I would love a trial for this script. I'm going to buy it if it works well. Thank you.
  22. Hi Czar Could I have a trial for this script? Thank you @Czar
  23. Thank you Khaleesi! I will update you on my trial
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