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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Donami

  1. Donami

    47-83 Hunter

    Hey i can easy do this for you, add me on discord and we can negotiate a price. Btw i used to work for Hanul
  2. Please add my discord i can get this sorted out for you
  3. Donami

    Regicide series

    I am interested but you have not responded on skype
  4. I can for sure do that with ease, shoot me a pm on discord and i can get it all sorted for you
  5. Donami


    @leony SHoot me a message on discord
  6. Hey message me on discord and we can work out a fair and easy price
  7. Right here i could give you a good price
  8. Message me on Discord I work for Hanul and am very trusted. https://osbot.org/forum/profile/254180-hanul/
  9. Add me on discord and message me. I work for Hanul i am very trusted. https://osbot.org/forum/profile/254180-hanul/
  10. Minnow accounts not worth buying mine got banned in a day of 6 hours of botting lol
  11. It dosent matter how much you bot in a day, its the overall bot time, you could bot for 4 hours a day and make it last a month or just bot 16 hours a day and make it last a week there is no difference it will get banned either way
  12. Its just a bot dont invest to much into it, it will probably get banned in a week of grinding it for 16 hours a day
  13. ill do 13gp/xp hmu on discord Discord:Denomi#7356
  14. Donami


    Hello Hmu on Discord and i could give you an exact price of how much it costs and time frame of what it can be completed it
  15. 99 attack, 99 str, 99 def, 43 prayer, What would i need to pay?
  16. Hey this script just dosent work for me brother, i tried putting the axes in the bank then take one out and equipt it then start the script but it just wont do anything lol Please get back to me asap
  17. This script isnt working for me just says Resizable Mode Solver? Edit:Fixed it lol
  18. Donami

    Minnow Account

    Buying an account with 82 fishing and angler Discord: Denomi#7356
  19. Can i get a trial?
  20. 82 fishing with angler hm?
  21. Did you leave the script on for more then 2 hours? When you do lavas constantly for 2 hours without even a small break, looks real suspicious to jagex.
  22. I could do it right now if you would like Discord: Denomi#7356 I work for https://osbot.org/forum/profile/254180-hanul/
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