Currently Hiring: Questers/Minigamers/Skillers
Worker Contract Terms:
-Deposit of 50m 07 GP
-Fully Refundable upon wanting to leave!
-Must have no open orders to refund your deposit (1 Month Notice)
-Agree to work for 85%-15% Profit (85% to you and 15% to me)
-Must have no negative feedback on OSBot and other forums (0 FeedBack is ok)
Application Form:
What role are you applying for?:
What is your RS Experience like?:
What Country do you live in?:
How often do you play?:
Do you agree to my TOS and Contract?:
Do you agree to use Discord?:
Any Questions?:
My Contact info:
Donami's Service Discord:
Terms of Service:
1. You cannot use any form of botting or auto-clicking whilst working for me. everything must be HAND DONE. No exceptions
2. If you are disrespectful towards fellow workers and members of the discord, you will be removed and forfeit your deposit
3. You will NEVER scam/devalue an account in any situation. If you do you will forfeit your deposit and be faced with consequences
4. Orders must always go through me. I must be notified if a client comes to you for an order and I must be present in the order chat room. Failure to do so will result in removal and forfeit of deposit
5. You are free to have your own services thread but you are required to link my thread as well below
6. I must be notified if you will be away for a while, unannounced departure will result in removal from the service
7. You are not allowed to take payment yourself.
8. Any order you take MUST be completed. Failure to do so will result in removal from the service and forfeit of deposit
9. The sniping of orders will result in you being removed from the service and forfeit of deposit
10. You agree that all payments are held by me unless otherwise informed
*Credit to @Dbuffed and @Decode and @Hope For TOS