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Everything posted by john55

  1. Getting 40k xp/hr at red salamanders with 4 traps. Not sure if my settings are off or what - but it seems to run very clunky and bot-like. Can anyone maybe share their settings? I'm running on mirror mode as well. Thanks!
  2. john55


    Hmm, I equip the staff, go to fishing spot, have bait and vessel in inventory, then start script. It fishes full inv and stalls for me. Also I am on mirror mode. How are you starting script? Maybe its not working with mirror mode.
  3. Thanks for this man. What FPS on the client do you use?
  4. john55


    Hi Tom, I've tested this with the Dramen Staff and it appears to not do anything after it has completed its full inventory of karanbwam fish. I automatically click the fairy ring, then it runs to the bank and deposits the items, but it stops there with the bank open, and does not run back to the fairy ring. I believe the logic to click the fairy rings back and forth just needs to be added to get it to work right. Thanks!
  5. john55

    Molly's Thiever

    I suppose it's not the biggest of deals. To elaborate on my point though, the general culture at ardy south bank is for everyone to "off" the knight when the splasher stops splashing (messes up/logs/whatever). People then get upset with those who don't, calling them bots and mass reporting the lot of them. The only benefit I think it'd bring is in terms of keeping other players from reporting you, which from what I understand about botting thus far has become a large contributing factor to bans. It may be more trouble than it's worth, though. The script is already running in a flawless state, I'd hate to see it become more error prone just to support something like this.
  6. john55

    Molly's Thiever

    Molly, in regards to my post, I think it just simply needs to click inventory after it hops to fix that issue. When I do that manually, it works just fine. Also, is there a way to to tell it to hop when its not in combat? (not being splashed on)
  7. john55

    Molly's Thiever

    Hey Molly, Just noticed that it continuously attempts to thiev AFTER it world hops. (seems like the check for the coin pouch turns off after the w hop)
  8. john55


    I tried out the Zanaris banking. It seems to just stand there idling not doing anything. The bank to Zanaris needs to be accessed with the Fairy ring located right above it, so a check that you have the dramen staff is also necessary. Not sure if you're already doing this but I just wanted to bring it to your attention. Thanks!
  9. Hey APA, Would be great if you could implement to simply 1-click the Hosidiious range from the bank chest to the range back to the bank chest (currently it runs to it, then uses), then simply enter 'space' or '1' or '2' (depending on the fish, 2 == karanbwam). This would make it much smoother and less bot-like! Thanks!
  10. john55


    Hey man, hoping to get a refund here. I bought the script because the trial never worked for the Karambwan fishing south of musa point, but it was to my surprise that it doesn't bank at zanaris using Fairy ring. The other ways to the bank are very inefficient and were therefore hoping I could get my money back. I've used it for all of two seconds (literally just bought it) Thanks man, the script looks great otherwise!
  11. john55

    Molly's Thiever

    Hey Molly, could you add a check to ensure it won't hop to the PvP world on the latest Ardy Knight-South bank update. I guess people are watching this thread, as many people are massing that world! Sly bastards.
  12. I restarted and it works just fine. FIrst time I ran I think I just had it in some weird state. Nice script!
  13. Hey man, Seems like it doesn't re-equip the goldsmith gauntlets when it withdraws the gold bars to gain the extra XP. Unless I'm missing something? Great script otherwise, thanks!
  14. Hi, I'd like to bump the request to have Karmbwan fishing (and the bait) to be added to the script. It's a very afk and easy process through fairy rings! Thanks!
  15. Could I get a trial please?
  16. john55

    Molly's Thiever

    Amazing!! Works just as I asked! Excellent job
  17. john55

    Molly's Thiever

    Would be great if you could add functionality for it to world-hop and search for an active splasher for Ardy Knight-South Bank, rather than it just standing there idle for hours... "Thievinghost" cc actively has a splasher going 24/7. You can find the highest total sum of players on a world in that clan chat and use that as the default world for the splasher. Then have it hop when it no longer can identify the ardy knight npc to the "next highest" world.
  18. john55

    APA AIO Miner

    Would love added support for Volcanic Ash. Possibly banking when inventory is full of gems and Soda ash as well. Defined nicely here in this vid:
  19. Forgive me I meant to say karambwan fishing* It's as easy as following those steps. They are very afk and the spot does not move much.
  20. @Khaleesi I'd like to put in a request for minnows fishing. It would be an excellent enhancment and selling point to your script. It's a very simply route as well: 1) Require dramen/lunar staff weilded 2) Fish full inventory at minnows location 3) Bank using default fairy ring back to zanaris bank Simple and effective!
  21. Yeah man unfortunately its a problem I've brought up. Seems like its a bot issue or something as to why it can't drop faster. Ashame cause it costs me about 10-15k xp//hr at barb fish!
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