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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Samuxd

  1. This script have some kind of Safespote mode? I mean for range/magic Can i have a trial?
  2. what price are they currently?
  3. SKYPE: Samuxdark FORUM PROFILE: https://osbot.org/forum/profile/304102-samuxd/ SKILLS (questing, botting ,marketing, constancia, dedicación): Por qué deberiamos incluirte en el equipo: La verdad esta muy interesante tu propuesta, si eres venezolano pues un gusto conocerte, ya serías el 2do hermano venzolano que conozco en la comunidad junto con @Axldeth y bueno estamos en tiempos dificiles/ de crisis como tu mismo lo mencionaste, personalmente tengo viviendo de osrs desde hace 2 años y ultimamente he realizado algunas inversiones fallidas :/, así que como dije, me llama mucho la atención esta proposición ya que en la unión esta la fuerza!
  4. Samuxd

    Some quests

    what cmb lvl are that account?
  5. In the case of Tut account sellers, make 1000 or + account in the same ip could cause that Jagex put a Flag on it?
  6. ↑↑↑ Solved myself nvm Ty anyways
  7. there is a way of do that the title says?
  8. U still givin trials? If the answer is yes, dont give now, let me prepare a acc first i want to try it
  9. i have to win because i just hacked RANDOM.ORG to be the winner 3 times followed @TheMcPker
  10. Samuxd


    0:46 i repeat it like 20 times
  11. Samuxd


    nice to meet you Welcome back :3
  12. 180-230m in my opinión
  13. Well, the truth is that i'm speechless, the problem solved itself, or at leats, it seems. Although it shoul be noted that i apply several possible solutions found in YouTube: of how to reduce the use of cpu. And possibly some of that hitted in the spot... Unfortunably i cant especify which one was cuz i was stressed and hurry for fixing it doing a lot of posible solutions without realizing which was the correct...
  14. That was the first attempt to solve
  15. Just since this morning the cpu usage of each client are among 70~90% idk why this happened, this pc its used only for botting ( 3 or 4 usually) and nothing for more, this is the first time that this happened with this pc... When i run any script, it just takes a very long time to start and answer in general... Someone knows something about this? i has been tried a lot of posibles fixes but nothing works... i gonna get madness ! D:
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