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Everything posted by overboardsea123s

  1. Same, I was all happy, thinking damn this dudes awesome. Few min later that turned into self hatred for being a dummy XDDD
  2. Way back in 04, I fell for the dumb scams promising free gold or some shit and I gave my account info. It was my only account, lvl 43 combat doe. Once I realized I fucked myself I contact Jagex but got denied despite giving really specific details lol
  3. No professional or schooling knowledge on it, simply word of mouth and experience. But seems to be mostly true. I even asked TWC/Spectrum why the IP was not changed with the new modem changes I made and they simply said they wont change an IP unless given a good reason. Back in the day, you could even call for an IP change saying your kid got banned on some game because X excuse blah blah got him in trouble. xDDD
  4. As time passes, Jagex catches on. To everything. I told a few people on Sythe before not to do so many transfers onto single account, even if they are legit looking, trades can eventually be traced. They laughed and stated the usual "Ive been okay so far so Im good". Not even sure why people still think transferring several to one mule is okay right now, better safe than sorry. It may add time for transfers and making the mules legit looking but it'll save you money in the long run. The major thing Jagex has against botting is that money gold farmers make, they want their cut. Learn from mistakes and continue on.
  5. $2-$3 a month for botting can be recouped in like a day though For the first part, that used to be true but nowadays you will still get the same IP. Speaking from experience with Frontier, Time Warner/Spectrum, and Verizon DSL; I used to change my home IP for several reasons easily with the lease setting then that was changed (probably what you said in the second part) so I tried using different modems/routers and worked for the first change or two but after that stuck with the same IP. I remember reading a reddit post somewhere claiming ISP are being stingy with IPs the last couple years to avoid upgrading/cost lol
  6. Ive seen recently that others are experiencing the same thing with their mule account. I highly doubt they will unban that, they probably use that macro excuse as an extension to destroy gold farming. My advice to all, dont just use a few mules for a ton of bot acc transfers. Most of what I read/heard about are only using one damn mule and are surprised about the ban xD
  7. Home IP rarely change unless you have a dynamic one, even then it takes a while for it to change while DCed or restarting router. A new router and PC doesn't change your IP, the IP is on the internet providers side. Obviously, there has no "botting safely" after getting a ban or warning for botting. You probably had the same IP. so chances are botting on your own home IP will result with more bans. Starting a new account means nothing unless you make/bot it on a proxy. Even back in the day, this was a given so it should be clear things are harder than before. You can check if your internet provider provides a static or dynamic IP by going to the router/modems settings through the default private IP. Google your model number to find the private address and the default login (unless you've changed it before then you should know how to access it). Once you confirm its dynamic, you can edit the lease settings (rare nowadays from what Ive seen) to reduce the lease from XX minutes to say 5 min. Then save, turn off your router/modem, disconnect all cables to make sure, then simply wait more than 5 min and reconnect it and reset the lease settings back to normal. If youre lucky simply releasing/renewing the lease will DC your internet for a sec and reconnect with a new IP. Otherwise, dont bot at all on your home IP and just get a cheap proxy that hasnt been blacklisted by Jagex. You could always risk botting and mixing a lot of play by hand but I wouldnt
  8. Suicide botting Id assume? Or Running for like x hours a day? Sorry for bugging.
  9. Im currently looking through scripts for best ROI, since theres a high ban rate, how many hours a day would be advisable for this script?
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