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Status Updates posted by RoomScape

  1. Your sig always seems to make me laugh.

  2. I'm used to seeing you as green.

    1. Extreme Scripts

      Extreme Scripts

      I know, just getting use to it myself ^_^

    2. RoomScape


      You got pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

  3. You look different without VIP.

    1. Freak


      I know I suck :(

    2. RoomScape


      Yeah man, wtf is this.

      I'd say go yellow, but you'd look weird too!

  4. Lolololol, where'd sponsor go?

    1. Blackbone


      back to my pocket haha

    2. Blackbone


      soon to your pocket, do some quest for me my friend hahah

    3. RoomScape


      I haven't been on my laptop in so long it'll feel weird if I get on it now.

  5. Took you two months for 100 fb man wtf

  6. You're sponsor, huh?

  7. Big girl Asuna is a global now. :D

  8. Can't access Skype for the time being. Please don't trade me or anyone else that's claiming to be me!

  9. Who are you?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RoomScape


      I know who he says he is on the outside, but what I want to know is who he actually is on the inside.

    3. Dog_
    4. RoomScape
  10. bb

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Hero of Time

      The Hero of Time

      android nub? android phones are always better than iphones, look at the hardware and there is just PROOF that it is better, iphone is like a golden watch, nothing more

    3. RoomScape
    4. The Hero of Time
  11. Look at you, all orange and stuff. ;)

  12. Your avatar needs to be a darker shade of blue...

    1. RoomScape


      Change it, now.

    2. Ericthecmh


      Lol. I didn't make it, can't change

    3. RoomScape


      You're a java wizard, aren't you? Do some computer magic and make him #7482FH00 or whatever color you are.

  13. Who're you?

    1. Umbra


      I'm Zokrin if that's what you're asking. You're RoomScape as I see it. Been on a couple forums in the past that you were on so yeah.

    2. RoomScape


      What other names you go by?

  14. Good guy Eliot, understanding why I mean and backing me up. +1

  15. Still have 100% mate, try harder next time.

  16. Ban anyone yet?

  17. ooh.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RoomScape


      Welcome to the masterrace!

    3. samosamo15


      well thank you, kind sir!

    4. RoomScape


      I'm sure that's what the Devs said once you clicked 'confirm & pay'.

  18. Where do you get all these pictures from? xD

  19. Why're you liking everyones' posts? lol.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RoomScape


      Oh. I hated that as a regular member.

      What is it, like 20 or something?

    3. Gorilla Sensei
    4. RoomScape


      Ooh, that's low. xD

      I used to like posts when I had a limit, but I kind of stopped now that I don't have a limit. Kind of weird, lol.

  20. Never trade me without a PM confirmation. If I don't send a PM don't trade!

  21. Ma ********a Soulja FREE!!!

  22. Look at you, all orange and shit. ;)

    1. RoomScape




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