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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. >implying most traders use common sense when trading. They will trust a scammer before they trust a legit person.
  2. The market will, anyway. They're going about this to prevent scammers, but it won't matter. Scammers will find ways to scam and you doing this will only make them come up with more clever ways of scamming, just like how RS stops botting and people come up with smarter ways to bot. People put too much respect into fb when ti doesn't necessarily mean all that much, though. I guess it could be used in this manner, but fb just doesn't mean as much as everyone makes it out to be.
  3. This is what I basically said earlier in this thread. More restrictions won't stop scammers, it'll just delay them for a bit. Scammers will find a way to scam. All we can really do is let the users be aware of possible scam attempts and how to trade safely.
  4. Sounds reasonable, but who knows if they'll give it to you since it's been a few days now. http://osbot.org/forum/forum/150-
  5. It's really quite annoying and although I do know that this is in an attempt to stop scammers, it's really bothersome. Can't you make it so that certain people can't post threads? Once you pass a certain join date requirement and/or post requirements. Say, a month online or 50/100 posts needs mod approval before thread submission, otherwise it's approved immediately.
  6. I believe that I read he was a special case, thus the reason why he doesn't have it any longer.
  7. You asked a question and we answered it. They replaced your primary group from VIP to TWC, so I doubt they'll change it back. :|
  8. Selling Bonds! - Selling Vouchers! - Selling anything online! Message me for accurate pricing. My RS3 for your 07 - 1:6-7 Your 1m 07 gets you 6.5m - 7m RS3. Your RS3 for my 07 - 1:7 - 9 Your 7m - 9m RS3 gets you 1m 07. ALWAYS REQUEST A PM BEFORE TRADING!! @RoomScape Skype is (live:roomscape)
  9. I'm irresistible, I know.
  10. Ooh, I see. Is that listed somewhere?
  11. It's currently available every 6 hours, which I think is a bit extreme. Could this be reduced a bit? We can't post to bump out threads so reducing it by a few hours or something would be nice.
  12. What can mods do that you can't?

    1. Nick


      Have a bright green name.

    2. RoomScape



      Then what's the point in this new rank..? o.o

  13. People use market for profit and feedback. How are you going to require people to have feedback before you give them a chance to earn feedback? that's like me telling you that you have no way of really making money, but once you earn 10m, I'll let you sell stuff and trade people so you can earn money. OT: I think there should be a 100 PC required throughout the market and/or a time requirement like stated in the OP. A feedback requirement is absurd because you're going to be forcing them to gain fb before they can even use the market, which just honestly makes no sense. Have something like 100 posts and a few days online and/or a required join date (registered for 30 days, ie) before being allowed since that seems decent.
  14. Didn't he lose mod? How did he have insta access? Did he regain mod or something? And I was just making a statement to prove my point. :p People can always scam. Just need a reason.
  15. @Simon @5uck People will take advantage of that and up their prices since the market would basically be a monopoly for the 'trusted' users. People who then will want to buy an account will have to pay overpriced prices because there's no one else who may truly just want to sell an account and nothing to do with it for a cheaper price will be eligible to sell accounts any longer.
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