On another site:
PM's staff member
They look at it and don't reply.
Staff member is posting in random
PM's another staff member...
Staff member is posting in random...
PM's admin...
Just to sum it up. An admin actually blocked me from pm'ing him. I found a vader and he was the only one online so I pm'd him - it's faster than posting a thread - and I found out that that user has chosen not to receive pm's from me. Very professional.
I posted a thread about the ban evader. Ban evader got banned. I got muted because I didn't use proper format. I checked the 10 most recently created threads and no one else used the format, but none of them got muted. They don't set their priorities straight and they rather go trolling in random than moderating. There is 2-3 staff members that are genuine, in my opinion.
Staff was recently promoted quickly, but that's not always a bad thing. You guys just need to make sure that you choose the right mods. So long as the staff are chosen correctly, it doesn't matter much if they were promoted quickly, so long as they're good and what the community demands. More mods don't necessarily equate to a better moderated forum, though. A few good moderators can adequately moderate a big forum, so long as they know what they're doing and they're efficient with it. Also, timezone should play a role in mod promotions. Before @Sherlock, there were no staff on at all for a few hours at a time. That can be disastrous, as proven by @Lsd since he did his 'scamquit' while all staff were offline and no one to ban him immediately. The staff shouldn't all be under one time zone, they should be spread out to better moderate the forums throughout the day.
I don't really have any complains about the current staff though, they all seem to be doing a good job, aside from the market. Some of them could be a bit more active in the market.