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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. The world may never know.
  2. I have a bond so reply on skype you nub.

  3. He can't get on OSBot - last I've heard.
  4. Question: Does that mean yes?!?!?! Answer: Jesus
  5. What if the triangle was a $100 folded up? Then the answer would be Jesus...obviously.
  6. How old are you: Jesus Where are you going with that item: Jesus What're you doing: Jesus (Wait, what...) Where did you come from: Jesus Do you know what you're doing: Jesus
  7. If you do that for 2 lines then you're hopeless.
  8. i hate math tests because all throughout the chapter it’s like really easy shit and then you think you’ve got it and then the test is like if i throw a triangle out of a car and the car is going 20 mph and wind resistance is a thing that exists, how many cupcakes can pedro buy with one human soul
  9. Which is why I won't be sharing with you.
  10. I'll give it a try at 100 fb.
  11. Alright. And if I make a PP list, where would I put that? There's a few sections...Putting it in all could be bothersome, unless I make a thread and you make redirect links in the other sections.
  12. So, I can make a thread in the accounts section and just update it? o.o I wouldn't mind doing that, not too much work. Just didn't want to make it then have it deleted.
  13. Still ultimately harmful more so than others. Ignorance is bliss, some people are better left alone.
  14. I'm still tempted to think this is a troll/way to get money, but hopefully you can prove me wrong, somehow.
  15. I would like an alien section. I can talk to my alien friends there freely without embarrassment.
  16. That's the same as saying sex is ok because doctors give 12 year olds anal shits to prevent anal wartz which result from anal sex - I'm dead serious. And that doesn't mean anything. With your logic, we should add porn and coke and everything else to the forums... Also, marijuana is a drug. Along with being harmful, it's shown to even lower the IQ of users.
  17. http://osbot.org/forum/forum/160-
  18. Not a fan or drugs, I'd have to say no. Also, this'll be a bad influence on younger kids, which is something we don't need.
  19. What?Why is this in spam if it's serious..?
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