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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. That's due to the glitch. I wasn't active on osbot then so yours is higher due to a bug.
  2. Yes, I sit here and look pretty. Do you not think I look pretty enough or something? Whoever said anything about running a business on donations? I said you want people to donate so give them an incentive to donate. By your response, I assume you do have a MBA? I can buy $100 donor in the store, therefore I'm paying for a product. It's not like I just decided to donate $100 and the admins felt like they should give me a rank. I bought it just like I would buy VIP or Sponsor.
  3. You can't remove recoveries. You can only change them.
  4. I could say the same think about sponsors and VIPs. I'd rather do this than do big giveaways and half the people scamquit after getting VIP. It's happened before and I felt bad for the victims as well as myself for not only losing money but somewhat adding trust to the people a which assisted in their scams.
  5. I want to know why they're saying no. Only one person gave somewhat of a reason, but that's still unclear to me. Just simply stating yes or no without a reason is meaningless.
  6. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/46285-
  7. yeah. I probably should've just made this entire thread there. Script writers will probably vote against it.
  8. I have a service thread on another site which has 100 pages. I already know how to handle it and what necessary precautions to take. I'm not sure what all you guys are saying no about...
  9. That's not the point. I already know I can do that. :|
  10. Because giving charity gives you absolutely no rewards. You guys are so oblivious to life that you're clouding your own mind and your ignorance is amazing. If that's the point? Why have VIP? Why have sponsor? Why have any rank? Why not just make everyone a member and have the staff hide amongst them while moderating? Why do anything? This isn't a communist country where everything is the same and everyone has the same stuff. Some people have more while others have less. I have a donor rank because I market and decided to give back to the community to help support its growth even further. Why do scripters have their rank? Why must they advertise that they script for the bot? Why can't they just make a script and be happy with that? I'm mad I don't have a scripter rank and scripters should lose it. Who do they think they are to have a rank I can't? You guys are all immature and ignorant oblivious to what's truly here. You honestly think people in real life get no benefits whatsoever from giving charity and donating? If so, you are more ignorant than I thought. Giving charity is tax deductible, first of all. If it wasn't, I doubt half of the rich who do it would even bother anymore. On top of that, they look good to the public by giving charity. Stop crying about pointless nonsense with your hopeless arguments as to why we shouldn't have it. You guys obviously never had a business not do you understand anything about business' run and operate. The additional revenue will help out OSBot also. People will see a rank and give some here and there so that they can eventually have the donor rank. Honestly, only those with a rank should even have a say in this.
  11. As is your rank. Why must you advertise your ability to make scripts?
  12. I probably won't have time to service, but I can hire workers and charge them. Profit++;
  13. You female dog! You Gluteus Maximus! You make donkey! You unsanitary person! I bet you don't even use soap when you shower. I bet you don't even shower.
  14. Hey, why not even being back the $50 donor rank?
  15. Don't take marketing advice from the ignorant, otherwise you'll just be trying in veil every time trying to appease them. If people get the $250/500 donor, it's because they want to and not because they were forced to. If it's put up and have adequate benefits, people will donate. Give people an incentive to donate some money. Currently, there's a donation button and the $100 donor rank doesn't have a lot of valuable perks, but why not add those to the higher donor ranks? People are going to complain regardless so do what's best for the site. At least when they complain then you'll have no regrets.
  16. RoomScape


    Ok, I'll start by asking why you have 30 accounts...
  17. Looks nice, but I like my current avatar more. And why is the avatar bigger than the actual sig? o.o
  18. RoomScape


    You have 30 accounts that can access RSC on RS?
  19. RoomScape


    Does anyone even have a RSC account?
  20. If I like it over the others, I'll take it. There are currently two others working on it as far as I know. Maybe a third, but he hasn't responded to me on skype or pm in a few days.
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