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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Better than being fake and gay like you.
  2. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/44379-recent-list-of-past-events/ @Eliot - Demoted from Trial to CBA, then from CBA to white...now he's Trial again? What is this madness? @IcelandRs - A new member who joined three bit sites all on the same day...Also linked to a banned user... @Purple - Is orange? @Mohammed - DutchGamerSpot finally came out of the closet and gave us his real name! @z1ll3r - Has girl problems. - Thinks bonds are unsafe and cause you to be banned. @RoomScape - First got $100 donor then bought lifetime sponsor ($150)? Probably why he got CBA.... @Cinnamon - Got demoted!! GGWP inb4banhammer. @MartiiinnOSRS - Mad over a neutral fb and is now banned. inb4scamquit. @Olaf - (James) Mad that he was getting powerabused and has now commensed his scamquit. @Catastrophe - Went from trial to global to super within a week or so? inb4red. @Asuna - Was blue for 5 whole minutes - seemed more like 3, but hey...who's counting? I hear she's now depressed over losing her blue and was about to commit suicide until a generous donor (@Nezz) bought her VIP! @Nezz - Got CBA? THE POWER OF YOUTHHHH!!!!! @Justin - Got rid of his TWC and changed his name in the hopes of a fresh new start. @gandalf - Spammer and hater for the almighty @RoomScape @snaes - Random newfag GFX'er that started from the bottom! Check out his work, he's awesome! http://osbot.org/forum/topic/46587- @lolmanden - Still TWC...Nothing new there. @Smoke420 - Sold bad proxies and got the banhammer. inb4banevade? @solononforever - Banned from chat and couldn't take it anymore so he trolled until he got banned. RIP @solononforever!!!!! @Miley Cyrus - SCAMQUITTED!!!! :| @Spongebob - Wanted to commit suicide yesterday because the chatbox was offline. I was waiting for the funeral notice but someone had to go and fix the chatbox. >.> - Banned on other sites and appealed on here - will he be unbanned? @Dylan - No longer in the big 5 (Top 5 most feedback'd). - #RAWR4SCHOLAR!!!! @Dsales - inafterbanevading inb4ban @ImaRawrrr - Gay for @Catastrophe
  3. RoomScape


    It's ok. I have a 64 bit laptop.
  4. I guess so. Not really for it, but I wouldn't hate it.
  5. Sucks to have a shitty sense of humor.
  6. I smiled, but didn't laugh. You're just mad you aren't funny and have a poor sense of humor.
  7. I actually laughed the first time I saw this.
  8. Your legs don't lose weight when you use the bathroom unless your rectal sack is located around your knees...And I'm not maldesto. Just because he laughed doesn't mean I did. :p
  9. The toilet is holding up the majority of his weight. Unless he has 70 pounds worth of fat/muscle on his feel, it shouldn't even be that much. ._.
  10. First one made me smile, not a laugh, though.
  11. Not bothering me, just thought I'd mention it.
  12. Like my thread. I like them likes. Post a pic/gif that makes me laugh. Every one that makes me laugh, I'll like the post. After I give 5 likes, I'll send each a $2 voucher (one person can win multiple times). Once I give 5 likes, contest will be over. May the odds be ever in your favour. Let the games begin! Edit: I can give gp also instead.
  13. Others may not play RS. :|
  14. Most parents are ignorant to technology. ;)
  15. Hmm...Are you the 'Chemistry' from *whispers* over there?

  16. Mac users are usually ignorant. My dad, for example, complains that his 64gb HDD 512MB Ram netbook he bought over 10 years ago that it's slow (after it's been dropped, had water spilt on it and hasn't been turned off in the past 3 years). He says if he had a Mac that it would be fine, but he's only having this problem with his windows. He also has 'free super anti virus' and says it's the best thing possible and every other anti virus puts viruses on your laptop. He said he can't wait until he gets a Mac because then he will never get a virus and his laptop will never freeze. I every time he tells me this. He even sold my mom on that and now my mom wants a Mac...
  17. Having a mac doesn't mean you can't get viruses or stuff...
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