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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. $760 I don't have bad credit, it's just that the bank thinks that this is a high value loan for someone like me - young guy who's never had a car before - so they hit me with that high interest rate. GtfoNice color is still nice, regardless of weird name.
  2. It took this guy a while before he got banned. I knew he was vading long ago. XD Good guy boglamantoilet or however you spell that weird name. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/59978-faded-throwback-is-a-vaderscammer/#entry667113
  3. Yeah. Mercedes, BMW and Audi are the nicest in my opinion.
  4. Is that 42k USD or 42k of your currency?If it's USD, you guys must have a shortage of cars or something. Isn't the C class under the E class?And I couldn't, I didn't buy a new car and I had to pick with what my dealer had for me to get. If I could I honestly would've gotten a grayish metallic color. That's my favorite. Silver isn't bad, though. It's mainly because of the interest rate. It's at 21 or 22%.
  5. Let's go man. I'll own you. yeah, I love doing those. It kills the other person when I make it. xD It really is.
  6. I only play the app version, but you should add me. I was playing Arctic earlier and I raped him so bad I felt sorry for the poor fella.
  7. Thanks. I hate typing in osbot to see it not load up.
  8. Who tf are you calling a noob you noob?But add me - type this in to add me directly: 115-885-381-9
  9. Your avatar needs to be a darker shade of blue...

    1. RoomScape


      Change it, now.

    2. Ericthecmh


      Lol. I didn't make it, can't change

    3. RoomScape


      You're a java wizard, aren't you? Do some computer magic and make him #7482FH00 or whatever color you are.

  10. What I don't get is why he took it, gave it to charity - even though he took gp I believe and have pp to charity - unless he insta sold it - and is now struggling to pay it back.
  11. What's your excuse for not skyping me?
  12. Thanks, I never planned on turning traction control off anyway. But I'd have to find the button first, so yeah.
  13. That's annoying, lol. If quote you but then that'd be doing that space spam like you.
  14. Na man, my join date is at least two years before theirs man. They copied me.
  15. I know, right? xDMy new name is usually 'RoomScapee' Lololol Your sig can be used to enact a reaction to your posts. I thought of doing so a few tikes but then got lazy.
  16. Never played it irl so yeah. :p miniclip. I play it on the app - 8 ball pool
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