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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. How many sponsors did you buy already? Could've just bought lifetime, lol.

    1. Pain


      i have money to spend

    2. RoomScape


      Well, shit.

      Give me some of that money if that's the case.

  2. 1993-2014 Now gimme my bond.
  3. What must one do to attain this supposedly free bond?
  4. LOL Oh god, please, not the dragons!
  5. http://www.p****bot.org/community/topic/1253500-report-a-bad-feedback The dispute was dismissed.
  6. Thanks for posting your name at the bottom. I was clueless as to who wrote that post until I saw your name there. Thanks again.
  7. When did this bs become a rule?
  8. I want to put a second hard drive (SSD) in my laptop to make it faster while I have it. HP pavilion entertainment PC dv4 series. Any way to tell the size of the optical drive? I don't know what happened to my tape measure.
  9. User: @HellenWong Dispute: http://www.p****bot.org/community/topic/1253500-
  10. you banned m8

  11. Alohaaa

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RoomScape


      hahaha, sounds fun.

    3. Maikie61


      If the banrate dropped, it'll be. :s

    4. RoomScape


      Who knows. I don't bot because I don't like worrying about ban rates.

  12. Now I know your secret.
  13. Are you going to tell us what rate you want or are you so generous as to let us decide?
  14. Oh, you're this Kami.

    1. RoomScape


      Your name should be dark green so it could match. ;)

    2. Kami


      teach me how I can do that

  15. No. You need to be online for 24 hours to remove he trade limit. Either that or buy mem.
  16. Guys, PM me if you want to play on RS.
  17. GE helps you merch faster than zybez...
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