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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Now that's just messed up. And you call me the weird one.
  2. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
  3. I was watching a video. Video was muted since my computer was muted so I put headphones in and unmuted. Video was low on volume so I turned it up to hear it. I paused video because gay @YoungWinner is trying to scam me. I let fag scam me so I can ban him later. I go to my profile to get him a link for something and I get scared shitless by my own troll. http://osbot.org/forum/user/30162-roomscape/
  4. RoomScape

    who want

    You have some nerve to make me a non yellow avatar.
  5. RoomScape

    who want

    I don't know what it is but as long as it's free I really don't care.
  6. RoomScape

    Buying 07

    Skype me prices.
  7. Hey, noob. Why you no respond with skype?

  8. I don't care too much about feedback. Doesn't give a true representation of activity, just a general one.
  9. So, basically, you have trust issues because you were too weak to kill a werewolf?
  10. I no noob. You is noob, noob.

  11. Then you had better hope you don't get banned.
  12. Unless it happened a few minutes ago, you should be able to log in since it auto kicks afk'ers. Unless you were botting or in a place which does something to make your character move, in which case sucks to suck. Or someone is on your account. Better hope it's the first one.
  13. And then I stole your avatar and made people think you copied me. Good times.
  14. Arctic, make one with me pls But I've been in market longer, but ye man ye
  15. Really?You mean it? Promise?? :wub;
  16. Really? http://prntscr.com/6ex33z Which one?
  17. Where've you been at? O.o

  18. Shit man, I can't even see the mature content Volta intended me to see. What's up with that?
  19. What The Hell Did I Watch How does this even remotely remind you of me...like wtf?
  20. Too many people are saying yes but I don't think I want to produce. Didn't think this would happen, was expecting rate hate and troll comments. Time to ditch this thread.
  21. Because it's not all that easy to get.
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