From @Varc. He has to be nice to me for 1 hour and I can use it whenever I want to.
I do whatever tf I want and when/if he gets mad I just use the card and BAM, insta nice.
This should be fun.
lol, he said she knew about it in the OP and that she just forgot.
That shit must suck man, damn. Why not put the money in your bank account savings account or something?
Range tank is mainly someone who trains range/def (both to 99) while ignoring other stats.
A main is someone who trains every stat and doesn't have a certain preference over the other.
Combat wise, I'm training range/def only. I got 37 attack from a gnome quest and I got 3 strength before I realized I wanted to make a ranged tank.
99 pray and mage just help for my tank stats.
You noob. What have I ever done to you besides try to be a good father figure since moving in?Don't give me your trust issues crap you little diesrespectful twerp.
Ggwp sucks to suck.
Sounds like w noob from the scam report, though.
And this, ladies and gents, is why you don't pay first or use a mm.
Slyveon just got 'd