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Everything posted by Dragonsbreath

  1. It could, but only if it were designed like that. The params are built into the script by ID Example usage: -script 671:2;2;6;0 (Use Eagle lectern, varrock tabs, unnote at rimmington, no Host)
  2. I am almost certain I have checked it 10 times for this fear. Example from Scripter Usage: -script 671:LecternID;TabID;BankingID;Host;Hostname Example usage: -script 671:2;2;6;0
  3. Thank you for your suggestion however I get the same error & proxy is removed from client :( java -jar "OSBot 2.5.3.jar" -login -bot -script 671:1;2;1;0 -proxy Starting SDN script with id: 671 [DEBUG][04/06 03:14:31 PM]: Injected 2 field list filters [DEBUG][04/06 03:14:31 PM]: Injected 2 field filters [DEBUG][04/06 03:14:31 PM]: Injected 2 method list filters [DEBUG][04/06 03:14:31 PM]: Injected 3 method filters 2: command not found 1: command not found 0: command not found [INFO][Bot #1][04/06 03:15:04 PM]: Welcome to Khal Tab maker! [INFO][Bot #1][04/06 03:15:04 PM]: Loaded font [INFO][Bot #1][04/06 03:15:06 PM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen [INFO][Bot #1][04/06 03:15:09 PM]: Wrong amount of parameters
  4. I can get it to load but the bot debug shows that I have entered the wrong amount of parameters. Is this a script error?
  5. When I do this OSBOT goes into Low Resouce Mode and the proxy is removed. It's almost as if the Params are sent as OSbot commands instead of -Script parameters When I try the backslashes with semi-colons the bot will not start.
  6. Updated original post with all relevant info
  7. Updated original post with all relevant info
  8. I am setting up my script to work in Ubuntu 17.04 Server as follows: java -jar "/OSBot 2.5.3.jar" -login -bot -proxy -script 671:1;2;1;0 Example from Scripter Usage: -script 671:LecternID;TabID;BankingID;Host;Hostname Example usage: -script 671:2;2;6;0 This is the result: Terminal & Bot Logger Starting SDN script with id: 671 [DEBUG][04/06 02:10:37 PM]: Injected 2 field list filters [DEBUG][04/06 02:10:37 PM]: Injected 2 field filters [DEBUG][04/06 02:10:37 PM]: Injected 2 method list filters [DEBUG][04/06 02:10:37 PM]: Injected 3 method filters 2: command not found 1: command not found 0: command not found [INFO][Bot #1][04/06 02:11:11 PM]: Welcome to Khal Tab maker! [INFO][Bot #1][04/06 02:11:11 PM]: Loaded font [INFO][Bot #1][04/06 02:11:13 PM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen [INFO][Bot #1][04/06 02:11:16 PM]: Wrong amount of parameters
  9. I am encountering this same issue. This also happens when out of Clay or Runes. The bot will continuously click the butler and ask for tea to be made. I will gather a log of this tomorrow and post a picture.
  10. Disputed member: OSBOT BotManiac | Sythe Kankerkoe Thread Link: https://www.sythe.org/threads/kankerkoe-is-a-scammer/#post-29493912 Explanation: This is actually a cross-post, but I was informed I was allowed to make a dispute with off-site scammers by Maldesto. I asked Kankerkoe for his OSBOT vouches because he told me he was trusted on here. I can verify that this truly is his account by the Discord he linked in this thread: What happened in the trade: I Ordered range training using MM2 Chinning method. Kankerkoe (aka BotManiac) started with a small batch of chins and everything went well. When he returned to the maze for trip 2 he stated that he couldn't get past the final agility step. He told me to change the password and I paid him for the range experience he had gotten (~200k xp). He then contacted me back asking if I would like him to finish the job after I had been training agility. I took a picture of the bank and let him have at it. He was logged in for 4-5 hours before going offline. After the first hour and a half he requested that I get more chins. I happily got more and traded them to his main so he could deliver them straight to the chinning spot. He said all was going well and he stayed online for another 3 or so hours. I logged in to check the account before bed and I found myself at clanwars with a sickle(b) and a ring of dueling. The bank was cleaned, NMZ points were cleaned, and I found the grand exchange history to be suspect of botting. Imgur Proof of admission: Proof that it's their Discord: Imgur Discord profile ID & conversation pictures: Imgur Cleaned Bank Proof of the second login Chat where I gave him an extra 6k chins to continue Thread from another member who got scammed by Botmaniac Picture of my account sent to other member who got scammed Kankerkoe aka Botmaniac is now banned from Sythe for scamming 165m from me and another user. I believe he sold 150m of that stolen money on OSBOT using the same Discord. I am personally out 50m from this trade. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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