@dabswax Although the disrespect during our last private message conversation and ignoring, I will be nice and answer your messages.
When farming do you just suicide the accounts 24/7 till ban, and trade to mule every hour, or at least try to make them last as long as possible? It depends on what you are botting, and the ban rate of it. Don't get me wrong, only jagex knows it. However, something like agility, or spinning flax for money making have high ban rates and other known spots/method. For those, I would bot suicide, otherwise just 5-8 hours a day with breaks and some days off.
How long does it take you typically before an IP is just useless? (monitored too closely (immediate/IP bans): Really random and never the same.
I wouldn't expect suicides to last more than a few days. Do you keep using the same IP, or not use it for a week then use it again till it can be changed at end of the month? If I bot suicide, I will keep using the same IP over till it is flagged.
Funding farming accs from a main? Don't risk it. There is a chance of getting banned! Therefore, there exists something called mule..
Do you cool down the accs after tut? I personally do. A minimum of 3-5 days to be sure that everything is fine, and especially if I will pay for membership.
Do you use 1 mule account or cycle through a few? It is better to cycle through a few and have a mule account for that mule.
Do you run the mule off its own IP? (separate from your personal accounts and bot farms): I do that in case my IP is flagged, or to protect it from being flagged after detection. Like would you use mule under the same IP you are botting to get it banned..
Have you ever had a mule banned? Never so far, but some of my friends had their mules banned.
Other than that, it all depends on the script.
If you need tutorial accounts cooled for over a month, or any other questions regarding botting and farming, let me know!