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About throwchance

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  1. Ok thanks for the advice ^^ on other note could you possibly give insight to how much it's worth?
  2. Around 3k rep on playerauctions. Not sure if he purchased the account from someone else though, most likely i suppose.
  3. Looking to buy this from someone, so wonder what you guys think the value is. ( without the gold of course ) Thanks! appreciate the help
  4. Yeah nothing wrong at all, just if you have time would be nice to fix.
  5. Profit/xp doesnt display right if you're doing double death runes only shows as if youre crafting 1
  6. You cant have a ring of dueling registered on your gear or it does this.
  7. my near maxxed account is only getting 6.5-7 chests an hour. what gear do you use
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