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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Tranquilo

  1. How much would it cost me, and handdone no botting. Only trusted people.
  2. So if i chosse hardware mouse it will use my pc mouse to do the work? or am i wrong?
  3. Got it to work with the demon butler found out the logic, and got me to 82 cons and boosted my way to 92 to fully get my house Thanks a lot bro for the time spend on making this script worth every penny
  4. Alright mate. There is something else too i have watched it doing now when useing the butler, it sends him to the bank and even do it have the 24 planks in inv, it waits for the butler to come back before building the table. it only remove it then wait for him to bring the 24 more even if i have 24 in the inv. i will get back in some hours with it as i'm watching it from teamviewer for now. Then i will get the numbers for the menu brother.
  5. Hey man, i'm useing you script in progressive mode, when i was useing it something got my attention. Its building chairs right now and when it builds it goes around between 2 chairs and remove and build on them, is there no way possible to make it only build on 1 chair and not 2? And the other thing, noone moves the mouse around to click on objectives in a menu nowadays, is it possible for you to make it able to hotkey it instead? like use the number 1,2,3,4,5 in progessive mode? Else a really good script, used it back in the days when i was useing full time on the game to get to the pools on every account i got, And did it succesful. Thanks for your time and thanks for a good script too mate!
  6. Tranquilo

    Stealth Quester

    digsite quest https://gyazo.com/ba78470ae0c392b66265ecebba7a11f9
  7. Looking for a service, the service sound like this barrows gloves from a level 3 account, with all skills and quests Drop you price below
  8. Let me know if i can help you out Tranquiloal#0296
  9. Tranquilo

    Fishing req

    can do this for you max 24 hours.
  10. can do this for you but can i get info about what stats u need :)?
  11. Can do this for you pm me you discord or skype
  12. It can't take that long to approve a comment....
  13. i think your banned my other acc tranquiloo he typed it in the pms between me and night and camley i gave him 14m first then 2 bonds after like 2 days then night asked him to confirm and camley responded i did not get the 2 bonds so i sent night screenshot where he confirm its him with 2 bonds and then night unbanned me
  14. Disputed Member:[https://osbot.org/forum/profile/222740-camley123/] Why it should be removed:Night can send u all the screenshot i send u from the other the guy came with racist words tried to tell night that i did not give him 2 bonds so i could give him 2 more everything on screenshot Details:He was a moron after he recived his 14m and 2 bonds he started saying "moron, fuck you, strap a bomb on self and make a explosion (because i'm arab), so bassicly he tried to scam me for 2 more bonds :) Link to topic:non link
  15. I have completed other service for him too where I took a gif on osbuddy with the levels and I can post it here no point for me to not this one I used all my time and kept him updated
  16. I just wanna ask i did a service for 5m why should i refund that when i did the service and many other only one guy did report me for that?
  17. I’m at work now Will be home in 6 Hours i did service for a other guy the same Day i played on my acc same Day and noting happend to Them the guy was botting druids chaos
  18. can do this if u wan't add my skype ltfrobers@gmail.com it will be affordable ?
  19. add my skype ltfrobers@gmail.com can do this for u or discord Tranquiloahmad#5442
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