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Everything posted by Crowning

  1. Could I trial this, please?
  2. Here's a log. Ran it for two hours without babysitting. Kept clicking the gate inside the stronghold then clicking on the minimap. Kept repeating that action for god knows how long. Should I not use this script or is there fixes on the way? Some clarity would be appreciated. EDIT: Came back to it being stuck at a gate again. Stopped the script and played for 2 mins myself, got banned as i went to start the script again, lol.
  3. There has to be fail safes added to this script. Whether or not my previous accounts got banned specifically from this script is questionable, but it would be reasonable to point the finger at it. It constantly stands in one spot for hours at a time. If the script isn't gaining XP........ Make it stop.
  4. hahah, sweet. unfortunately my neighbours all have secure networks
  5. I gathered that to be the case, however I'm kinda over the account. It has no skills and I'm not used to training combat stats. So i'll see how it goes, lol. Thanks for the advice though. Sounds pretty good. I'll give it a shot, see what happens aha. Thank you I feel like my IP has already been compromised seeing as I've gotten banned already which is why I was considering using a proxy. However, I may just attempt it with a dummy account and see what happens. Thanks for the advice
  6. Crowning

    Fruity NMZ

    it is 75. Thank you! I'll try it out!
  7. Sounds extremely confusing, haha. Thanks for the info dude. extremely appreciated Yeah, I already spent like over $50 on scripts on here. I may have over done it, causing my account to receive a 2 day ban.. which isn't too bad. Thank you for the advice
  8. Crowning

    Fruity NMZ

    I’ve got pretty low stats. Is this recommended for that? I’d like to use this for range but not sure if the xp/ph is worth it. I know I’d probs get perm ban seeing as I’ve already received a 2 day ban but willing to risk it.
  9. So, I have a couple Q’s Q1... I’m considering creating a skiller using a proxy and botting it 100%. Implementing the break system as often as possible. I’m just curious whether or not people have had any success building accounts with botting seeing as getting banned is so common now. Nothing like what I’m used to when I use to bot Q2... would creating a botting app for phones when the mobile version gets released ever be an option? Q3... I’ve never actually used a proxy before. I have used a VPN and I was able to suss it via my phone (not sure what the process is actually called, kind of like remotely accessing it and seeing my bot run). Do proxies work the same or do you run it through your own computer? Thanks ?
  10. Well that sucks.. Thanks for getting back to me guys. Appreciated
  11. So, my account got a two day ban. It's currently unbanned now though. I paid for all these scripts that I haven't been able to make full use of just yet but a little cautious about the fact that I may get perm banned pretty fast once I attempt to use it again.. Anyone know if theres some sort of cooling down period? To be fair, I was kind of running the scripts for most of the day/night. If i only ran them for a few hours a day would there still be a chance of getting perm banned? Just wanting to know if I should move my money off the account. I know there's no for certain answers to ban rates. Just some advice would be lovely. I botted over 15 99's when I used to play RS before they updated it and I quit. So was a bit surprised with how fast I got banned.
  12. Nah, been banned. Thanks for getting back to me though What do you mean by "fight position"?
  13. I got banned last night, haha
  14. So, I came back from work. Same issue.. However, I was able to get a log thing that may be able to help you figure out what's up. I also have a theory that it'll only do this if it's going to the area in the stronghold by itself for the first time. Like previously stated it did this when I made it run from the bank in Edgeville. Now I'm assuming it got stuck after it logged back in after the break I had made the client take after x amount of time. This is the log. And here's a little screenshot of the run I did while at work today. I'm assuming it happened 10 minutes or so before I got home seeing as that's what the log timestamp is saying, so I'm not too mad about it..
  15. So, I started the script at edge bank so it can walk itself to level 2 to where the flesh crawlers are... I left it and went on with things I had to do. Came back an hour and 40 minutes later... It was stuck at a gate just standing there... At the very least is it possible to add a fail safe? If the account isn't earning any XP just override and log it out instead of making it idle there for hours..? Kinda disappointed.
  16. Crowning


    Ran this and it got me to wave 51, my accounts pretty pathetic but this script runs pretty great. Training my stats before I attempt it again. Any advice for what to have in inventory would be great! Thanks for the script I'll let y'all know when i get the cape
  17. I'm experiencing the issue w/ the boat as well. As previously stated my main issue is with it idling a lot. I've been running it for the last 40 minutes and only managed to get 3 points.. For some reason the script can run really well for a little while, or it will run terribly. I'm hoping there will be an update on this soon. Probably should have requested a trial first.
  18. Bought this script and have been running it for an hour. It's been working flawlessly (Hasn't stuffed up or crashed) so far! I do have a question though, as I'm only averaging 7k XP/PH. I'm currently attacking portals, and I have 65 range. Should I be using a different option? Any advice would be awesome. Thanks for the script. EDIT: So I ran the script to attack the NPC' instead. It constantly idles and doesn't move to the other areas once the NPC' in that area have been defeated. It slowly initiates battles w/ NPC'.. Pretty disappointing when it comes to using that mode. Otherwise like previously stated, attacking the portals seem to work pretty well. I don't have great stats but managed to get 59 points within the first hour using the attack portal mode.
  19. Crowning

    Stealth Quester

    Just purchased this, runs really well. Had a few hiccups but it fixed itself. In the last 2-3 hours already got around 40 QP's. I did have to jump in when it was doing the vampire slayer quest, it took the staff and went to go kill the vampire without runes (Nearly died). Other than that there has been no issues! Really happy w/ the purchase! Curious to know though - Will you be adding more quests to this? Cheers
  20. I've been running it for 30 minutes now, it seems to be going fine. I think I just need to get used to it. I'll let you know if any issues arise. Cheers
  21. Can I please trial this?
  22. Bought this the other day. Really smooth script, ran it overnight and while at work with no issues. Thanks
  23. Just bought this script. I'm using it for range. It tends to pick up the arrows while in the middle of fighting something.. Any chance this could be fixed? it also doesn't find a safespot on its own? is that something I thought it would do but it doesn't actually? I think once I get the hang of setting it up it'll be pretty decent though.
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