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Everything posted by jca

  1. jca

    Proxy's & VPN's

    Sounds like it could be more related to poor scripts than IP chain ban. In my experience I've only received one chain ban and that was on an IP that has had hundreds of accounts banned previously. In any case I would always use a proxy, if you're creating the accounts yourself make sure you use the same IP whilst creating them. OSBOT needs Socks5 proxies, there's plenty of places to get good quality ones. Look at the scripts you're running though.
  2. I'm interested in this as well, though wouldn't it make more sense in the Scripting Help section?
  3. I have 1500+ but they are used for farming at the moment. PM me how many you need and I can make to order.
  4. Good start, there's several complexities that come with replacing accounts from the script side, but that's fairly easy to work out. I recommend using your own login event so you have complete control over the process (there's a snippet somewhere). PM me and I can send you a photo of my database structure.
  5. Don't worry too much about proxies if you're FTP botting. I run 10-20 bots (sometimes more) on one IP. They'll be banned within 9-15 hours but you don't care about that, as long as you mule often and you can replace automatically.
  6. Nice start... How are you going to develop? Are you launching each bot yourself or auto rotating by pulling in account data from your database? Trick with FTP farming is having everything automated. Otherwise you don't make enough to cover your expenses (time is your biggest expense!) Good luck with it.
  7. Longer to write script = higher barrier to entry = less people doing it = more profitable (theoretically).
  8. It's certainly possible... I can't seem to find an API that ge-trackers gives access to but there are many out there. If you know basic Java you can easily form GET requests to the APIs end-point and parse that data to get item prices + add your margins. For a headstart - here's a class I wrote that uses a basic reader to return the live item price and can store other variables about the item
  9. I'm with this... amazing tool.
  10. I've used a few dependencies with no issue.. for a basic JSON parser you can use google/gson. My question was referring to what you were trying to achieve with RxJava, maybe there's a simpler way without navigating permissions which can potentially open up your system to harm.
  11. You can do it all with core Java if you build an API and run a POST request to an endpoint with account details. Then to parse data use Gson as a dependency and reference it like a normal object. But as Alek said, if you don't need to use it across servers just generate a local file. From what I've found with SystemProperties is it's the external environment that you're working in blocking the jar - which isn't OSBOT specific. Look at setting permissions on system. What are you trying to do? There's probably a simpler solution that doesn't require modifying permissions.
  12. Again, you can use this for more than storing the price. For example the amount collected / gained / fished / cut, the name, ID and really anything to do with the item that you need to cache if you build on top of this. Anything to do with price / GE would not describe the class accurately as it's not solely used for that. I'll leave it at ItemResource for now. Change it if you want to use it for something else.
  13. It made sense in the context, a Resource would be Oak logs, Lobsters etc. That wouldn't fit the GEItem as it's not specific to GE and couldn't think of another name. Would ItemResource work better? Thanks for the feedback. Thanks! Edited the snippet with underscores.
  14. Needed a class that would hold active GE price, have the amount of item collected, name of item etc. Please feedback if this is not the most efficient way of doing this. Use by calling Code: Credit to whoever wrote the fetchPrice() snippet, found on external site.
  15. I'll try switching out the timer for isAnimating() && getHealthPercent Thanks for the snippet.
  16. The problem with this is the dying animation of the NPC, if there's multiple NPCs and no item exists on the ground until the dying animation is complete. myPlayer().isUnderAttack() resolves to false when NPC is dead, but has not completed dying animation, which means there's no item on the ground and bones != null will be false. myPlayer().getInteracting() == null will also be true when the NPC is dead, but has not completed animation. Therefore is there's another NPC near by they will go on to attack that NPC as monster != null && monster.interact("Attack") is true. I also tried .exists(), isVisible() etc. but all have the same result, so the only option I've found is timer to allow for NPC to complete dying animation.
  17. I was under the impression sleep() was discouraged in place of ConditionalSleep() Then with ConditionalSleep() I wasn't able to find the right condition that would allow me to pick an item up after combat, thus a timer seemed to come in handy to delay the action of combat so bot has time to pick up item. Please enlighten me if this is not the case. Also thanks for the maps - helped heaps. EDIT: Also, surely this would not help in the case of picking up an item after combat? If the player is fighting then isAnimating() = true, but as soon as it stops fighting isAnimating() = false, which lets it proceed.
  18. Thanks... helped a lot.
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