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Everything posted by jca

  1. Good man. Looking forward to see it! Ah cheers bro! Just got membs yesterday to test so I’m okay for now. Appreciate the offer.
  2. Correction - exchangeContext actually takes a bot instance. So from your main class you pass getBot() to your custom class when you initialise it. You have your custom class extend MethodProvider then in the initialiser call exchangeContext(Bot). This gives you access to all the methods you need. Not sure why it’s deprecated.
  3. Added another fix for Barb, now at version 1.02
  4. Very cool. Would be good to see if SDN scripts integrate.
  5. Yeah, pass the script instance and use exchangeContext()
  6. Why don’t you just use HttpURLConnection and if the response is JSON use Gson parser? A lot simple than all the dependencies
  7. Issued a fix, please find V1.01, should now fish at Barbarian Outpost and kill GUI when stopped.
  8. Thursday updates normally screw with the client a bit. I’ll investigate.
  9. Thanks for the testing, glad it’s working alright for you! Clue scroll bottles would be simple - I’ll add in the next version. Random events would take slightly more work as I would have to override the default. Possible though! I’ll post the proggy in the progress reports when I’m back at my laptop. Thanks bud. Let me know how you get on.
  10. Google it ? account recovery on throwaways is generally a waste of time though
  11. No problem. Navigate to your OSBot folder, normally in your User directory, and put it into the Scripts folder. It should appear in OSBot. Great! Anymore problems just give me a shout.
  12. Ah yes! Thanks for letting me know. I added it to the compiled Jar in IntelliJ a while back, I’ll remove it and re-upload.
  13. Thanks, appreciate it! Let me know if you run into any issues and I can fix.
  14. jca

    Botting Journey

    Interesting goals, look forward to seeing the progress.
  15. PHP, JS, React / Angular / any frontend framework. Basically full stack.
  16. JCA's AIO AFK Fisher V1.2 About I wrote this script privately to see if I could reach 99 fishing, well I achieved it and got the pet. So I'm releasing it with a basic GUI and features. Requests are welcome and I'm happy to develop further if people want to use it. The script will move the mouse out of screen when the player has started to fish and has a delay on resuming once the spot goes / full inventory. Locations Barbarian Village, Fishing Guild, Barbarian Outpost, Catherby Fish Trout & Salmon, Swordfish, Lobster, Shark, Leaping Fish Notes Have shift drop on for dropping fish, set the AFK Sleep slider for how long you want it to wait before checking next action. Download V1.21 Thanks @Apaec for dropping code from AIO Herblore. @liverare for GUI tutorial. Progress Reports Change Log
  17. If you're thinking to recover the account use a fake email mailbox, there's plenty around. If not email can be fake!
  18. Experiment, improve and go again. You need to know what works for you and no one will tell you a hard and fast rule.
  19. Look at OVH Cloud Ram VPS, their 12gb plan should run 10 bots. Also - buy VIP...
  20. I tried this before... the only viable solution I came up was to create a custom logger. I'm sure there's some way to override the log() method though.
  21. jca

    Proxy's & VPN's

    If you're creating them use a residential proxy that rotates IPs - then for each IP you create one account and run it through tutorial island. I would recommended buying fresh levels threes from here though as you're new to botting. If you create them through a non residential IP, or switch to one when you do tutorial island, then Jagex flag them and they get locked. I would do a quick Google search for "Socks5 proxies", don't buy them from any RuneScape specific service as often they've already been flagged. If you're spending more than $2 an IP you're spending too much. I can't help on the scripts front, as I use all private scripts.
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