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Everything posted by mazr

  1. mazr

    Mining only

    Want sell lv3 unregistered account lv70 mining will sell if cheap if any1 need buy it
  2. R u gave me a trial or somthing ? I dont even dont have a 85mining till now please remove it until i got 85 mining please bro
  3. Is it available for all ? Where is the download link
  4. Can i use this script for only runite rocks as a money making ?
  5. mazr

    85 mining

    Can some1 recommend me a free mining script to reach lv85 mining please guys by it ??
  6. Can u recommend me a free script to do it please ?
  7. Can i reach to 85 mining by this script if i run it 3-4 separated hours per day ?
  8. I mean how to use it in a smart way to be not banned ... For example should i run it 8hours per day or just 3 or 4 hours only ???? Hope u understand me cuz English not my own language
  9. Ban rate ? And how to use that script to be not caught ? What is smart way to use it ???
  10. Thx for your advice I appreciate it ... Only 1 who told his opinion in my topic Thx for you
  11. If it is possible i want to know how i should run sessions the script to reach lv85 And if i reached to that lvl how i should run the runite ore script to be not caught and get ban ????
  12. Hello guys .... How are you all First i want to tell that am from 3rd world country ... Hobe u know now why i play the game ... Hobe all say his opinion can i create a new account and make it reach to 85 to be able to mine runite tocks by ( bot ) i mean i want reach a new acount to lv85mining to be able to mine runite ore also by ( bot ) There is a new free mining bot for runite ore My question is is it possible by free script or not if it is possible How?
  13. Please i need trial and thank you .
  14. mazr

    Fruity Zul

    Can some1 tell what is the best use for Fruity Zulrah script to make the most efficient profit .... Thx for all
  15. mazr

    Price of gp

    Hello all i just want to ask a question When did the price of the million gp in game will Drob For in shops if u want sell gold it will tell you i will buy 0.46 per million An talking about the current price nowdays So when the price of million will down more and more Is it impossible or maybe or it will?
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