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Everything posted by mazr

  1. mazr

    1day ban

    Is moderate busting 1day ban = the account will be flagged by them ?
  2. Can any one explain to us how it is going ? Mining bots are 24/4 you can find them in mining spots easy How they don't receive ban ? I bot bot mining with breaks of course but need to do like them Can any one give explanation please ?
  3. mazr


    Ya please with option for seconds delay
  4. Wiki is not accurate i think
  5. Hi guys ... Please some1 can tell me what is the profit per hour from pickpocketing Vyres per hour please ?
  6. Czar Am very proud to ask you for the trial sir
  7. mazr


    I think script doesn't work atm...
  8. mazr


    Hi guyz ..... I just want to discuss somthing with you all ... Its some thing related to mining bot ok If the respawn of ore is 6mins And the bot should login to the place before the respawn for about only 5-10 secs to mind the ore and quickly log off and again and again etc ... The question is that is the timer should be ? I mean the break system of the bot how many time bot should be and bow many time should be break To not miss and ore cuz if there is any mistake in calculating time it mean other bot will come and take it
  9. mazr

    Mining bot

    Hey please i will run a mining script will mine runite ore in mining guild i will mine them and will wait the 12mins for the other respawn ... U know what i mean i will let script mine runite ore in any world and it will wait till the ore appear again after 12 mins The question it is good for me or not for the chance of getting banned ??? Does it will minimize the chance of getting banned or it increase the chance of getting banned ? Thx
  10. mazr

    Runite ore

    Hello guys .... Botting runite ore in crowded places like mining guild it is okay if i bot for long hours because there is too much bots and people there so getting a runite ore is hard to get ... It is okay to bot runite ore for long hours WITH OUT breaks will it end by a bann or its okay ? Thx alot
  11. Please can you add mining guild and lava maze ( wilderness ) ????
  12. mazr


    Why u no add hobbing world ?
  13. Does any1 from jagex company contacted with you for full-time job with them
  14. Do you added Mining guild or wilderness ???
  15. mazr


    Am new in botting ... But i think there is only theving one at vyrewatch there is no fighting script i mean and sorry for my bad english
  16. mazr


    How there is No Vyrewatch bot in a big community like osbot ?
  17. Not at this time sorry ... Cant try it now days
  18. The script can be used as a vyrewatch script ?
  19. Any news ? What's the ban rate ???
  20. mazr


    I need people who have experience in botting and the game tell us at what point i mean ( when ) botting can be really profitable ? Is it can be really profitable for people who live in developed countries or in developing countries or can be profitable for both ?
  21. mazr

    Bot farm

    Can you guys give ideas for bot farms to some1 who want make about 1B per month ???? Thx for you all
  22. If you are using bot and you are sure that a player reported you for that ... Jagex sure will take action against that report or maybe not ?
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