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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. ^ kati is going to kill you
  2. Nicholas

    BETA v1.7.12

    thanks for the new update well needed after the update:)
  3. i bet he didnt because nobody does this... i bet he didnt because nobody does this...
  4. if you went on youtube and searched "runescape 2007 bot" and you downloaded a few of those to test, thats how you account got hacked
  5. cheers, random finder bot makers will apreciate this
  6. Nicholas

    BETA v1.7.9

    great job thanks for the work
  7. they are used in herblore for super strength i believe
  8. so true i just got a W8 computer when they changed to this too
  9. http://gyazo.com/5a46c9986879657d7ca7058168bd8919 http://gyazo.com/05b603110eb49df1fd405198f49f5af1 and if anyone wants to buy pm me i might selll
  10. dont you loose money from YEw longs
  11. 129 ~~~jessus this goinng to take forever
  12. thats pretty sick, before you release make it go through kati first and will be sick when when im botting 4 accs and can split the screen in 1/4ths
  13. Post your GT: Dream Stoned What game(s) you play: MLB, madden BOPs 2 (mehh) What type of mode do you play:any
  14. looks like spam and feedback boosting :P
  15. http://gyazo.com/354b9fd6353fc634b8d940d348bad9d5
  16. Nicholas

    BETA v1.7.4

    thanks but did you fix the Corner of the screen bug? because its starting to piss me off now
  17. whats the most post count on this site?
  18. Nicholas

    Support rank

    thats true and what about a "Trusted User" symbol after 20 vouches
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