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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. to be ontop LLEEEEEGGGOOOO occazn ;) beat you to 100 by 3 mins :P
  2. but i mean 3 straight disputes from mew saying it was his partner, i mean... thats pretty obvious
  3. Nicholas

    CC Test

    god your recording software sucks monkey balls
  4. delete this post now dude
  5. got old TB x11's and yeah i know and my keyboard and mouse are soo loud, ill consider that thanks
  6. [img=http://gyazo.com/d91a19aa3ecbf81a1c858d6d33ee3994.png] same way i dont either :P
  7. oh i didnt know how to emb the image thanks :P and meh click the link so you can scroll down and see how many mems i brought in anyways i need to think of a name any ideas?
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwMzwjlcnLE&lc=UgnI8mPIalpFlUWRmUG6NPQYVXP7DuPgY1fQCr5KzUg SO a guy commented on my osbot tut video; saying http://gyazo.com/9b7a4d86aaaa5f1fd8ae923561452bf3 and 4 guys bumped it up so i might be starting a commentary youtube series what do you guys think (yes that is me talking on the video)
  9. I needed a drivers licence which i dont have so.... You need to prove you're 18+ Hm.. I've heard of other ways of getting verified, such as adding a credit card, or something like that. i had credit card + bank on there, it randomly wanted that shit, he said because i requested money out of my bank
  10. I needed a drivers licence which i dont have so.... You need to prove you're 18+
  11. my paypal account got limted so i called paypal and asked them what i can do, they said i had to be 18 so i set up a student account, and they arnt half bad, i mean its COMPLETLY different but its not terrible. Anyways if your account is limited and you call them, they will allow you to transfer your money so yeah Also, I bought brazzers too, i didnt know my mom got emails on what i purchased
  12. i collect Cliterizers ;) look it up, my favorite are the bunny ones
  13. beautifully planned too, he waited tell he had 3-5 people and BAM all 4/5 cleaned then while he was on trial he scammed 2 others
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