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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Levels 1-20 cows 20-40(60) crabs 40(60)-80 experiments (this is great for 1 def pures because their max it is 1) 80-99 bandits Very afkable easy
  2. please ill pay, not 1m (i dont play EOC) but ill pay like 100k-200k
  3. Nice can you make me a new Sig?
  4. never got his pin i asked for it to withdraw more pots just in case, but dont you think if max did this he would have PURCHASED sponsor.. why dont we settle this like men add me on skype
  5. on my Actual IP (im onmy VPS) it says the sites down both on my phone and through thte browser any fix fixed close please
  6. supply IS WAYY HIgh right now, Demand is low maybe 3 people an hour buy 100-500 of them
  7. how do you heal foods ?
  8. goodluck ill be USing that site also any day now, once im done with these lessons a friend is giving me
  9. good idea i support this but not 200$ maybe 50-100$ but this would keep a lot of people out of the market place
  10. script is outdated try his master script!
  11. 1G p/s who did you get this from? google? no wait googles router has 100 GB per sec :P
  12. Nice, any updates on any of your bots doe?
  13. search up TTG find a forum (pref call of duty) and look at them
  14. i think there should be an animate for every mile stone of views 10 100 200 300 400 500 750 1000 at 200 it should be marked as trending after 500 it should be marked as [Hot] and at 500 make the post animate be a flame kinda like TTG and maybe allows us to purchase a sticky
  15. so your saying if i studied the API, theoretically i can make a script by my self ?
  16. yeah i understand it kinda, and yes i know a little
  17. Must have a mic and be able to explain everything in depth I would like for this person not to have that THICK of an accent Paying 500k-1m i have everything downloaded thats needed Skype = Nick.Osbot
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