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About smurfred

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  1. I would legit pay 10$ for a drift net script that works
  2. Hover next ore makes it just hover the players feet and then when mined moves mouse to the rock but ALWAYS hovers at the feet
  3. Started this script on fresh lvl 3 restocks worked fine everything works but it constantly clicks call buttler after every action...
  4. So when fishing karambwans when out of karambwanji (bait). It will keep clicking the fishing spot. I tought for this price it would have a simple check to see if there is enough bait. Long story short ban hammer has struck.
  5. https://i.imgur.com/uXDt7Zy.png
  6. smurfred


    Maybe a way to save a config, when doing slayer you could save the exact config for each monster for example would be really handy, other than that great script!
  7. lvl 40 construction got the butler, but it keeps trying to call servant after he asked for planks already looks quite sketchy. Unlucky I will do manually to 50 and see if demon butler works
  8. Same here with mithril, when using steel bars it will click on the minimap to go to the bar dispenser instead of just clicking it as it is just next to the character wich seems weird + when going to the conveyer it also missclicks sometimes and idles a bit on the side of it. Using mirror mode, coal bag and ice gloves
  9. Hey, I don't know if this helps but heres an image of all the clickable objects, it hovers over the blue area and when you try to move your mouse it will anchor to that spot and you can't move the mouse. Hope this helps https://i.imgur.com/VkUEBt9.png
  10. Mirror mode drift net fishing gets stuck a lot when trying to place nets idk how coding works but maybe a check or timeout to trry again it works like 50% of the time, could you look into that ? when the nets are up the script works amazing! anything else is amazing love all your scripts great work
  11. I have got almost all of your scripts, I love them. 0 banned accounts so far and I have been using them for quite a while. One question I have tho (and this is with all the scripts I've seen so far not only yours) whenever a script is executing a task for example: agility it clicks and the mouse will always wait untill it can go to the next action, is there a reason for this maybe to have less input less chance of being caught? The mouse not moving is the only "worrying" factor that I've got with scripts.
  12. Problem with alching: if it clicks too fast it sometimes "uses" the alch and it messes up the script it will sit there without alching (the alch is surounder with white like u use an item in the invent) as for the custom breaks & stop conditions The current osbot break function if u randomize breaktime around 15minutes its almost always 13-17min I feel like it will form some sort of pattern in the long run its not really random imo If you have the time could you make it so you can put in like this: (Bot for [amount] to [amount] in minutes.) (and break for [10] to [60].) so it randomly picks between 10-60 minutes. Anti-Bann: I don't know if this increases antiban but implementing random afk timer per hour where the mouse goes ofscreen for a couple of seconds/minutes humanlike distraction (ofcourse this would be a enable/disable)
  13. Could you add a custom break handler & stop conditions ? with better break randomization & break time / stop conditions being stops after certain amount of clicks, time Good script!
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