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  1. It doesn't... that is the Catacombs slayer cave and it runs to the Black Demons (thats where the exit is) but since it crossed 4-5 different NPC's groups, the accounts die... Damn unlucky bro
  2. Better question is what settings would possible be missing? Haven't be able to run this script ever, please help review: https://gyazo.com/7a40adb1e5cbb88fb6d4468a479b53d2
  3. SCRIPT IS STILL BOOTY CHEEKS! Mining aspect is completely broken, tab making works fine... Wish you would push a fix..
  4. Can I get a refund? Can't get the Configuration Save Button to work so its completely useless for me.
  5. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/155911-osbot-setup-tutorial/ Make sure you're downloading Java from the correct website. If you are, figure out what's blocking the download. Should be fairly simple to get it working.
  6. Not getting anything in the Logger, on both my Laptop and Computer
  7. Spent 30 minutes setting up my Config but the Save Button doesn't work, cant use the script until the save button works
  8. Level 104, have you ran it recently? It does this pathing and dies in the caves, cant use it at all
  9. Please find time to fix the mining part of the script, I cant run it cause it Dies > Walks Back > Dies x100
  10. JCY

    Czar Barrows

    The issue is the Slayer Staff is not being recognized, Air Staff works fine! Please fix
  11. JCY

    Czar Barrows

    My Magic Spells arent working for some reason, should be set up properly as well
  12. The script goes through the Catacombs of Korend shortcut which gets my account killed versus taking a long path. Also, Energy potion support would be nice while walking back to the Dense Mining for my Ironman. I can't use the script until the pathing is updated though cause I die to the Demons in the Catacombs, cant use the Mining Feature at all
  13. The "Move mouse outside screen" is a bit buggy, for example if Im killing dragon and have loot setup, it'll click the dragon (mouse off) click the loot (mouse off) click the safe spot (mouse off) click the dragon (mouse off) so after each action its moving off the screen. Ideally its coded so its only Mouse Off Screen while killing the monster, and doesn't move back off until Im resting killing the monster Script is fantastic otherwise
  14. JCY

    Czar Kudo Solver

    ooo trial please sir
  15. You likely didnt get banned for not having a proxy, if you're botting on your home IP address. You're often better botting on your home IP than a cheap data center proxy, you need to find clean residential proxies and even those can be flagged.
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