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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by solononforever

  1. why did you pay $100
  2. Amount of times i've lost the game due to osbot: 3
  3. whats ur gamertag, I'm quit a while back, but still have my acc and can 1v1 you
  4. big fan on AOE games, But sinked alot of time and effort in the online version. It was really fun and well designed, People have no RTS skill these days
  5. Member=maldesto] is your boyfriend?
  6. voted 2, miley is ugly af.
  7. So I was about to purchase gold of levi, When I realised he changed .... So I decided to piss him off, Now I'm in his List of people to ddos. I'm so scared about a ddos which will never happen, Levi is homo [confirmed] He never used to be a bitch We where talking some more, and he shows me someone elses IP and said its me, GL with him.
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