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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by solononforever

  1. hey

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    2. Xylate


      We don't do Windows.

    3. solononforever


      then I want any os with java osbot google chrome skype and gyazo added (takes like 5 min)

      tell me your pp

    4. solononforever


      I need a vps quick, To make progress on my goal threads

  2. Dam 22, You are the oldest person on OSB
  3. Source: http://www.urbandictionary.com/
  4. yea divica ben gave 20m instead of 2m, and expected it back lol (It would of been good if he did the right thing)
  5. pls, I'm chatbox ban evading http://osbot.org/forum/user/66880-dedood16/
  6. And the mods only let me have 1 topic
  7. it kinda does 12 posts, Doesn't seem like your a active forum poster 12 posts, Doesn't seem like your a active forum poster
  8. OP, Unban me from shoutbox. We need to talk, Its an emergency.
  9. 1) What officer would go on OSB 2) I can tell it's staged 3) Real life 4)Maldesto and nick are gay bitches
  10. 1) Who gets in trouble for posting drug stories on the internet. 2) Clearly staged 3) its in spam 4) maldesto and nick are bitch's
  11. This sounds like pure BS, I bet this topic is staged. PM story or not legit
  12. I bet your eyes are wide open now.
  13. lel almost got banned from my skiller clan, btw what clan are you in
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