Your one-stop script for slaying bandits and getting serious combat xp/hour!
-Banks @ Shantay Pass Chest
-Supports Prayer potions and Super STR/ATK
-Takes carpet from pass to camp
-Runs to bandit bar from camp
-Uses protect from melee
-Drinks prayer potions when prayer below 20
-Drinks Super STR/ATK(if selected) when below 5 levels above base level
-Teleports when out of potions or prayer is lower than 10 or health is lower than 15(ring of dueling)
-Runs from duel arena to shantay pass (Handles Gate if closed)
What it currently does(general idea):
-Fights @ Bandits and drinks potions
-teles when out of potions or pray/health is too low
-banks @ shantay pass
-if potions selected, withdraws them, else withdraws more prayer potions in their place.
-runs back to bandits to fight
-Simplified GUI with only 2 options
-Minimal User Input
-Preset drinking levels
-Best training possible for pures(as far as I know)
-Preset Drinking Levels, not customizable
-Could be bad for high def characters, as pray pots are a waste then
I NEED WHAT YOU GUYS WANT FOR THIS SCRIPT. Ex: More prayers, other potion support, custom drinking level for prayer and other potions, etc.
Let the posting begin!