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Everything posted by Novak

  1. i don't like the "p" word, its offensive
  2. Novak

    Forum rank rework

    Nezz, u know i love u, but i honestly think its fine the way it is. But i like gilgads idea of a symbol in chat box for staff
  3. damn id actually be pissed AF
  4. shitty scripts dont get accepted to the SDN, so the SDN Scripter rank is sufficient
  5. so basically since you wont get OSD, when your script goes premium, you want to have a rank over someone else that only has free scripts? gtfo
  6. i agree. its fine the way it is
  7. 3 Scripts Released, Check them Out!

  8. i think i just jizzed my pants
  9. Novak

    Auto Bandits Pro

    whats this supposed to mean?
  10. Your one-stop script for slaying bandits and getting serious combat xp/hour! Features: -Banks @ Shantay Pass Chest -Supports Prayer potions and Super STR/ATK -Takes carpet from pass to camp -Runs to bandit bar from camp -Uses protect from melee -Drinks prayer potions when prayer below 20 -Drinks Super STR/ATK(if selected) when below 5 levels above base level -Teleports when out of potions or prayer is lower than 10 or health is lower than 15(ring of dueling) -Runs from duel arena to shantay pass (Handles Gate if closed) What it currently does(general idea): -Fights @ Bandits and drinks potions -teles when out of potions or pray/health is too low -banks @ shantay pass -if potions selected, withdraws them, else withdraws more prayer potions in their place. -runs back to bandits to fight Pros: -Simplified GUI with only 2 options -Minimal User Input -Preset drinking levels -Best training possible for pures(as far as I know) Cons: -Preset Drinking Levels, not customizable -Could be bad for high def characters, as pray pots are a waste then I NEED WHAT YOU GUYS WANT FOR THIS SCRIPT. Ex: More prayers, other potion support, custom drinking level for prayer and other potions, etc. Let the posting begin!
  11. he tryna steal my thunder
  12. you just went full retard, as much as the guy in OP
  13. Novak


    somethings still messed up with the mouse. With .81 i get ~1200 alchs per hour, with .83 like 800. i think itercact with Id might be broken, or the mouse thing still isnt fixed all the way.
  14. no, you cant "install java" you can use apps like cloud browse that handle it though, but it is laggy as fuck
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