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Everything posted by Runnwith

  1. @Lost Panda , @Decode , @Hope, @Dbuffed
  2. Welcome to the light, hope you enjoy your time.
  3. mate you just ruined my freaking money making method. Rest in piece the scammer and shitposter that originally made this method.
  4. You have to suck first before becoming good at something. Set realistic goals for yourself and work from there. Better to start now then continue thinking about that you can't do it and not trying at all.
  5. such a good helper. owo

  6. Your best bet would be a private script, I don't believe there is a castle wars bot. Some scripters off the top of my head that do private scripts. @Malcolm , @Juggles , @HunterRS , @Rare scripts , @Spider Scripts.
  7. F in the chat
  8. Hiyo I can do this for you, is there any combat stats? I'm at work right now so it wouldn't be until 9pm PST. I'll do 4m for everything. If interested in add my discord : Synthesizes#8363
  9. You can get paid relatively easy for doing something in-game and get a decent rate compared to most jobs I believe. It's tough to see people rely on a game for income because of their government
  10. They all have deposits so I'd recommend buying the gold for the deposit and if you're a good worker you should be able to earn that back rather fast.
  11. It might help looking into getting a private script or developing one of your own that completes Tut Island and then does 7QP. I don't believe there's a way to que up scripts though I may be wrong.
  12. No wonder why Weath got banned. Thank you
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